We've been to many places of miracles, apparitions, and reputed apparitions in various parts of the world, and will always fondly remember Maria Esperanza down in Caracas, Venezuela, as a mystic who was not surpassed. She radiated concern for every single person she encountered, was strictly obedient to the Church (when asked to appear, she would tell those inviting her to have the invitations sent through the bishop's office), and had the charism of joy. One felt waves of elation -- wave after wave -- after being with Maria. A light shone on those around her. It actually inspired one to compose songs of Divine praise (even if one was not inclined musically). Perhaps it was no coincidence that she was born on the feast day, November 22, of Saint Cecilia, patroness of musicians. For a wedding present, Maria, whose canonization cause has been opened in New Jersey (and is ongoing), gave us a Parker pen and told us to sign our wedding certificate with it. Her large family remains tight, spreading her charism of love (and that music) through a choir they long-ago formed. Maria once composed a tribute to God the Father that stands as one of the most heartfelt and powerful pieces of music we've ever heard (sung by the choir). Esperanza (her name means "hope") died in 2004, and her husband Geo -- himself a truly remarkable soul -- now struggles with the challenges of age and was recently hospitalized for a period of time (at last word has been released). If you want to learn more about her, there's this article from our archives, or the book, Bridge To Heaven (an excellent Christmas gift) of interviews with her. Maria's descriptions of the other side were such that we wondered if as a youth (she was often very sick) she'd had a near-death experience (she said she did not). The site of apparitions, which was approved by the bishop, and declared "sacred ground," continues to expand. There are Betania offshoots -- nearly twenty (as local spiritual centers) -- around the world. This time of year, we think of her.
Does Maria intercede?
Miraculous cures have been attributed to her. Anyone who has experienced one should contact the Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey. There are other types of intercession. Here's one we were just sent from a woman in Proctor, Minnesota, named Pam who said, "I just saw your article about Maria and thought I would e-mail you with a story of my own. My oldest daughter, Emily, was addicted to drugs. She had definitely gone down the wrong tracks. My middle daughter had a drooping face and eye due to Bell's Palsy and Emily used to make horrible fun of her sister while she was [using drugs]. Emily had run away; we didn’t see or hear from her much, and when we did see her she was high or drunk. I spent many a night praying to every saint I knew to watch out for her, and I prayed to Maria Esperanza for her intervention for me. Sometimes I would just lay in bed and talk to Maria and tell her my concerns, because I believed so strongly she could help.
"One night while laying there awake I heard and felt a trembling in my heart with the words (I firmly believed they were Maria): 'Tonight a door is open, pray and your daughter will come back to you, tonight, before the door closes.”
"I did. I prayed and prayed and prayed. The next morning I received a phone call from my daughter asking me for help. When I picked her up she looked horrible, her face was sagging/ drooping on one side, and I immediately thought the drugs she used caused her to have a stroke. I brought her to the emergency room and they informed me she suffered from Bells Palsy and it would clear up after three weeks of treatment with antibiotics/decadron. Her face is still drooping, and coincidently it’s the same side of her face as her sister. (Emily has remarked to me that it is her punishment for treating her sister so badly and she understands what she did to her sister.) She then entered treatment and my wonderful daughter was back home!
"I have always given credit to Maria for intervening for me and helping me get my daughter back! It's been eight years and she's married, hoping for children now."
-- Michael H. Brown
[resources: The Bridge to Heaven and Betania video]
[see also: The great one: Maria Esperanza (11/22/28 - 8/7/04)]
Print article]Footnote: From an early age, Maria Esperanza was endowed with special charisms like wisdom in discourse, knowledge, the gift of healing, the gift of counsel, discernment of spirits, visions, locutions, ecstasies, levitation, the odor of sanctity, the stigmata, and the ability to read the hearts of others, all of which she used for the benefit of those in need. Prayer:
'Merciful Father, You blessed Maria Esperanza with an abundance of spiritual gifts for the consolation of your people. She served You as wife, mother, and missionary to promote the unity of the family and the reconciliation of all peoples. You enabled her to be the central figure in the manifestations of the Virgin Mary, under the title of Reconciler of all Peoples and Nations, in Betania. Grant us the grace to follow her example of humility, hope, and unconditional love. Through the intercession of your servant, Maria Esperanza, we pray for the healing and reconciliation of our families, and for the fraternal unity of the entire human family. Especially, we beseech You to grant us the favors we now request (mention your intentions here) through the merits and prayers of your servant. Likewise, we humbly implore that she be inscribed in the Church's catalogue of saints, as a universal model of the beatitudes. We pray all this according to your holy will, cherished by your servant until the end, through Jesus Christ, your Son, Our Lord, Amen.' (With the ecclesiastical approval of Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski of Metuchen, New Jersey, December 4, 2009).]
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