Keep the Pigs Out:  Slam the Door and Keep Your Spiritual House Clean, by Don Dickerman, a very useful, very specific guide on how demons enter our lives, how they work together, the most common strongholds,  how to overcome oppression, the power of praise -- and much more, as Dickerson -- who has delivered thousands -- details the way we win spiritual battles, using many examples of actual cases that shine a bright lights on how to recognize the working of evil spirits and step-by-step approaches to rooting them out (and sealing against their return)!click here 



Toward the end of her life -- in the 1980s -- the prophetic messages granted in Church-approved revelations to the Hungarian mystic Elizabeth Kindelmann grew all the more urgent.

As we previously pointed out [see article], Kindelmann, who lived from 1913 to 1985, received what she called the "Flame of Love" messages, which had the full approval of Cardinal Péter Erdö, the primate of Hungary and archbishop for the diocese of Eszertom-Budapest, who in an official pronouncement on June 1, 2009 formally recognized and "solemnly promulgated" the approbation, along with other cardinals (one of whom wrote the forward for her diary, which we've decided to distribute).

On January 1, 1981, for example, Kindelmann noted that "we must increase beyond the usual measure the intensity of our prayers and sacrifices for peace in the world and for the salvation of souls. We have to reach new heights."

That day, she reported a message whereby she said Jesus told her: "Every parish must urgently organize communities of prayers of atonement, blessing one another with the Sign of the Cross [including strangers]."

It was the year -- 1981 -- that Pope John Paul II was shot. Later that year, prayer groups would begin to erupt from apparitions in what was then Communist Yugoslavia. And still later that same year, Mary would appear in Church-sanctioned apparitions in Rwanda.

The Blessed Mother, claimed Kindelmann, asked in March that "we urge the competent authorities for the restoration of the Third Order of Carmel throughout the world. This must happen quickly and everywhere. Humanity needs lay people who have a spirit of prayer."

In fact much of what she was "told" was directed to the Church.

"The Church and the whole world is in grave danger," Jesus was quoted as telling her in a locution in 1980. "Even with your strength, you cannot change the situation. The Most Holy Trinity alone can help you, through the concerted intercession of the Most Blessed Virgin, all the angels, all the saints, and those souls whom you have freed from purgatory."

Dramatic stuff. Clearly, the worry was not just about Catholicism -- though just as clearly, Church happenings and trends were indicated as a concern.

It was urged that there be a special fast on Mondays. "When priests observe the Monday fast, in all the Holy Masses that they celebrate that week, at the moment of Consecration, they will free innumerable souls from purgatory," Mary allegedly told the mystic.

While fasting, noted Kindelmann, "we can eat bread abundantly and drink water. We can put salt on the bread. We can take vitamins, medicines, and whatever is necessary to our condition. However, we should not enjoy it."

"Whoever usually keeps the fast, it suffices to keep it until six p.m.," she quoted Mary as adding. "In this case, they should recite this very day five decades of the Rosary for the souls."

"The Flame of the heart of My mother is Noah's Ark," she quoted Jesus, via an alleged locution, as saying (for our discernment).

She also quoted the Lord as stating that a "multitude of people should petition the Holy Father for an official declaration of the effusion of the Flame of Love of our Hearts [Sacred and Immaculate] for the whole world.

"Our petition is urgent," she further quoted Jesus as saying. "There is no time for delays. Let the faithful together with the priests satisfy our petition in a great spiritual oneness. The effusion of graces will also reach the souls of the non-baptized with its effect of Grace."

[resources: The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: the Spiritual Diary and First Fridays, First Saturdays Prayer Devotion card]

[Note also: Michael Brown retreats: Connecticut! and California and Michael Brown's books]

[previous story: Mystic received messages about chastisement, unfulfilled Fatima request]

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