![]() Throughout the centuries, since Noah, there have been strange times: periods when floods, earthquakes, tidal waves, storms, droughts, plagues, volcanoes, and even asteroid or comet activity have haunted the earth. The hints are right there in the nightly news. It's about to happen again. God is poised to send major events, and it's for a simple reason. Like the people in ancient times, we've allowed evil to build up, and as a result we face happenings everywhere. This is the book Mother Angelica has featured and calls 'awesome.' (Bestseller) CLICK HERE |
In what was once described as the "last official message," Our Lady of America warned on attitudes -- especially pride -- in the Church.
In appearing to an Ohio nun named Sister Mildred Mary Ephrem Neuzil, the Virgin often demonstrated her deep affection and concern for priests. One example came in 1957. "My dear daughter, sweet child, write my words carefully, because they are of the utmost importance," the Virgin said in an apparition that had the authorization of the archbishop. "I address them to my beloved sons, the priests, dedicated to the most intense and extraordinary imitation of my Son in the perfect carrying on of His Eternal Priesthood.
"Beloved sons, so cherished and greatly blessed among the sons of men, be careful to uphold the sanctity and dignity of your calling. Let the faithful see in you the favored and especially loved imitators of the Son of God. Be modest in your dress and speech as becomes those of so exalted a vocation. The apparel and manners of a man of the world are not for you, who, though living in the world, must not take on its ways.
"It is through you that the grace of the Sacraments is given to souls. Strive then to make yourselves more worthy receptacles to receive these graces and transmit them in turn to the souls under your care."
Indeed, it was the bishops and priests who were a chief concern of the Virgin's. She warned that purity of heart would be essential to discernment. She warned that times were so insidious that evil was passed off for good.
Only strict spiritual discipline, she said, would offset the "false spirit."
"Dear sons, I ask you to practice self-denial and penance in a special manner, because it is you who must lead my children in the way of peace. Yet this peace will come only by way of the sword, the flaming sword of love. If, therefore, you love my Son and wish to honor me, heed my admonition and be the first to give the example of a life of penance and self-denial. Thus, by sanctification from within you, you will become a bright and burning light to the faithful, who look to you for help and guidance.
"I am pleased, dearly beloved sons, by the honor and love you have until now accorded me. Will you now go further and honor me yet more by taking my words to your hearts and doing what I ask?"
This was just before Second Vatican Council, which would lead to worrisome modernistic trends in the Church. Indeed, Sister Neuzil's own cloister would become embroiled in a horrible split when the Mother House decided to do away with the cloister, which then went its own way.
That was still twenty years away, but by 1959 the messages from both Mary and Jesus had grown a bit stiffer. "Oh, the pride of souls!" said one reviewed and authorized for release by Cincinnati Archbishop Paul F. Leibold, who edited the first booklet on Our Lady of America. "How they resist My grace! O My priests, My religious, what would I not do for you if you would only let Me! I come daily laden with graces, which you daily refuse.
"What am I to say, my best beloved? How long will you resist My love? It is from you I expect everything, and you give Me but the husks of your affections.
"How long will I bear with you, O My chosen ones? How long will you spurn My approaches?
"My little white dove, it was this ingratitude on the part of My priests and My religious that caused Me so much sorrow in My passion.
"Oh, how they resist My grace! How they fight against My love!"
But in 1960 -- as America entered its most dangerous decade -- the Virgin came with a hopeful prophecy. "I place my confidence in my faithful sons, the Bishops, who will not fail to take up my cause and make it bear much fruit for sanctification among so many and countless souls."
Sister Mildred was instructed to specifically take the message to Archbishop Leibold, who granted an imprimatur to the prayer of Our Lady of America and even had a statue, medal, and relief of the apparition made at the chancery's expense. Among the requests was that a statue representing Our Lady of America be installed in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception to bring back purity to America -- a nation the Virgin says has been commissioned to spiritually rescue the world. Thus far the request has not been met.
By 1982, the messages to priests had become stern and urgent. While one was described in a letter to a nun-friend in Massachusetts as the "last" formal communication, there were actually subsequent messages. As it happened, Sister Mildred received visions until her own death on January 10, 2000 and it's said that the Virgin as well as angels, St. Michael, a mystical dove, and Archbishop Leibold (who died in 1972) were constant presences to her.
But the 1982 message was unmatched for drama.
Warned the first authorized apparition of the Virgin in the U.S.: "Beloved daughter, sweet child, there are those in high places in the Church who disobey and refuse respect to my Son's Vicar on earth. These betray the teachings inspired by the Divine Spirit sent by my Son to be with the Church till the end of time. There are those who teach false doctrines and those who repudiate the holy sacraments. They are filled with intellectual pride, and so, refusing to follow my humble Son, they are being destroyed, together with those who misguidedly follow them down the path of error and falsehood. Pray for these poor ones who do not realize the misery and wretchedness they are in and to which they have and are still leading others."