Brief Medjugorje admonition asks for prayers for conversion of sinners
By Jakob Marschner in Bosnia-Hercegovina
MEDJUGORJE, June 8th -- During Friday evening's public apparition to
Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragičević, the Blessed Virgin Mary gave a brief
admonition asking for prayers for the ones who are most far away from God.
The Italian translation of the words spoken by Ivan to a tape recorder
immidiately after the apparition used the phrase "for the conversion of
sinners" whereas an English translation a few minutes later said "prayers
for unbelievers", but the meaning can hardly be mistaken.
The apparition took place at The Blue Cross at the foot of the Hill of
Apparitions where Ivan's public visions make hundreds of pilgrims come to
the spot. Messages are given only rarely, and the rest of the apparition
followed what has become the usual event scheme of the Blue Cross
apparitions: With her hands outstretched the Virgin Mary prayed for the
intentions of everyone present and with special emphasis on the intentions
of the sick. With Ivan and his prayer group she prayed one Our Father and
one Glory Be before giving her motherly blessing and leaving in the sign of
the Cross saying "Go in peace, my dear children".