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[adapted from The God of Miracles]
Give everything to God and don’t worry. Jesus said that the "anxiety of the world" makes us "unfruitful." When we worry, it's a little stone that collects on top of other "worry stones." Eventually, there will be a block; fear is like a boulder.
To attract the stream of life, we must shake off fear and become pure as the heavenly flow. The worst enemy you have may be on your wrist: when we are slaves to time, to the wristwatch (or the computer clock), we are slaves to the flow of what man has created, instead of the flow of God, Who is timeless.
"All for God and all for others" is the slogan of the wonderworker.
If you seek God and work for Him in everything, without pause, the result will be miraculous.
When we have failure, we have to investigate the reasons behind it. It could just be a test, or as just stated, God’s way of nudging us from something that really isn’t good for us. It could also be the result of something wrong that we have done (or are still doing), and for which we must atone.
Going back through our lives, we should review every major event, good and bad, and ask ourselves what we took from it.
Did we learn? Did we improve? Are we focusing our prayers on getting over the hurdle the next time it comes?
Remember that trials come in ways that are mostly unexpected – defeated only when prayer has been our preparation.
At other times, we should realize the need for trials. Tests afford an opportunity to step closer to Heaven. God is good and allows us to do some of our purgatory here on earth. We follow Jesus and His Cross. When we realize that, there is no longer the room for bitterness.
The most "unmiraculous" thing we can do is distance ourselves from Him through disbelief, indifference, or anger. Everything is set in our paths for a reason and the longer we walk with God, the more we recognize the truth that there are no accidents.
All events have some kind of purpose; only God fully understands what that purpose is. But we can say this: often, He allows chaos to erupt around us. He does that because He needs to stir in order to cook. He wants to rearrange things. Our task is to submit. When we die, God will not judge on whether we met every single challenge in an absolutely perfect way but rather by how we made the attempt. What He wants is acknowledgement of Him in all circumstances.
When there is suffering or sorrow it usually opens us to a new perspective.
This should be held in high value: for when we have a new perspective, we have an opportunity to cleanse or expel another part of our selves. It is in trial that we view our failings with an opportunity to transform them.
"Well done," the Lord will say when we have tried with all our hearts in every event (however mixed the results). Doing what we least want to do and offering it to Him is a powerful way of remaining in contact.
"What have you learned?" was the first thing that Jesus asked one woman who had a near-death experience.
Let us ask ourselves that each day.
Awareness comes from remaining in touch with God and releasing all to Him.
Flow in tune with God and pray with faith no matter what happens -- knowing "unanswered" prayers are placed in that "bank" for a future surprise. Did you know that God loves to surprise you? He will!
We are here to learn, and we can learn from anything or anybody, especially those who are difficult to love, or even hostile. Look at everything and everyone for what they are: opportunities to advance. We will see the repeat of certain trials until we learn how to deal with them, and so perhaps "practice" is a better word than "test." God gives us a lot of practice! In life we test each other and pass the tests by realizing them for the tests that they are.
[adapted from The God of Miracles]
[see also: Our Lady of Surprise]
[Michael Brown: St. Augustine, Fl. retreat, March 6: the miraculous Catholic and Midwest retreat: St. Louis: March 27]
[Postscript: some keys to peace:
-- Learning to do the best we can and then saying, "God will tend to it; it doesn’t matter." Leave the consequences to Him.
-- Learning to say, "I surrender all to God; I no longer need to control or be ambitious as the world knows ambition."
-- Learning to say: "I will be steadfast but will not rush. I know that God ripens His fruit slowly." (Remember again that the anxiety of the world makes us unfruitful.)
-- Learning to say, "I will put love where there is the first sign of negativity. I will see beyond a person to the spirit. I will judge no one!"
--Repeating always, "I will confess." And making sure that there is regular Confession.
-- Saying in all tribulation: "I will pour out my heart to God."
-- And expressing to Him that "I want to help others instead of myself."
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