JUNE 6 to JUNE 15, 2011
Departures Available From All US Cities
Complete Medjugorje Package Includes:
7 Nights in Medjugorje
Twin bedded rooms with private bath, double or triple occupancy
Breakfast and early Dinner daily in Medjugorje
English-speaking guide Miki Musa -- close to all the seers
Full pilgrimage schedule
Private talk and Q&A with Mirjana
A talk by Michael H. Brown
Round trip air on United/ Austrian Airlines
Ground transportation to and from Medjugorje
Overnight hotel stay in Vienna with breakfast on return
All All taxes included (an additional fuel surcharge may be applied at time of ticketing)
$$2450 from Washington DC Dulles
All tips included
A $500 deposit and a completed reservation form are required to reserve space. Final Payments will then be due 60 days prior to departure. If signup less than 60 days prior to departure then full payment will be required. Signups less than 30 days prior to departure will incur a late processing fee of $100.
8742 E. Via Taz Norte, Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Phone: 480-443-3912 or 602-319-5289 Email: trinitypilgrimage@cox.net
Website: www.trinitypilgrimage.com
Contact: Jim Benzow CST# 1018299-10 Affiliated with Montrose Travel
[Note: Medjugorje is currently under Vatican investigation, with pilgrims allowed to go. Spirit Daily will strictly abide by final Church ruling; the news service for U.S. bishops states that "the Vatican has also said Catholics are free to travel to the site."
[see also: Michael Brown's testimony on Medjugorje]