Spirit Daily
Navy Man Recounts Prediction By Esperanza And His Father
(From the Mailbag)
Dear Michael Brown,
My dad and I went to see Maria Esperanza back in October of 2000 and
remembered the warning that she gave of us being attacked. At first thought, I
thought it would be impossible, we already had a Pearl Harbor. So I put it to
the back of my mind and never pondered much on it.
In July of 2001, I was faced with a difficult decision on whether to
re-enlist in the Navy or to get out. My decision was final by the second week of
August of 2001: I planned to stay in the Navy. At this point, my dad, who is all
gung-ho for the military, was telling me to get out. From July till 9-11 he was
waking up at 3 a.m. every morning with the sweats and with an urgency to pray. I
found all of this quite strange and thought that maybe he was losing his
marbles. So all's I thought of doing was to just humor him and put it in the
back of my mind.
Well, when you re-enlist in the military you have to pick a date of when
you want to re-enlistment. I knew that September 17 was the end of my current
re-enlistment, so I set the date for September 12th. All the while my dad kept
telling me to get out of the service. He told me that he felt something very bad
was going to happen and he felt that it was going to happen in New York, a
possible attack. At this point I didn't know what to think. In the meantime my
wife was supporting me to stay in. Then September 11th happened, at this time I
was over by the Sandy Hook area on the military base. I heard the rumbling from
where we were and witnessed everything as it unfolded on TV. Now my father was
silent on the choice that I would have to make, and the wife, well she wanted me
out...go figure! As for me, I knew the paperwork was ready so I went through
with it and re-enlisted as scheduled. Normally re-enlistments are supposed to be
happy, but I only found out that this time all of that has changed and it was
tough to hold back the tears during the ceremony.
As time went on, soon after that, Spirit Daily along with a whole
host of people were spreading the Revelation 18 all over the place. I found that
strikingly on the money in a lot of aspects and yet some things not yet
fulfilled. About one week after the events, I could do nothing but contemplate
the events of that day and those who died. Then something hit me, kind of out of
no where. As I remembered how the towers once stood, the Book of Daniel
came to mind and I thought of the statue that Daniel interpreted for the king,
that each part of the body on this huge statue was an empire, seemed to stick
out. When reading the description of the "Legs of Iron" it seemed to say the
United States... the Twin Towers, as if the events of 9-11 were to serve as a
warning that we were somehow going to diminish in power and share power with
another superpower... hence "the feet of part iron and part clay." Again I put
this in the back of my head trying to ponder what to make of it. Is this mere
coincidence or and over-imagination? It just seems that the more I read the more
that seems to make sense. I thought that this was worth sharing.
Thank you so much for your time.
Ken Leahey Jr., USN
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