Spirit Daily


Prayer Need: Venezuelan Mystic Maria Esperanza Reported Severely Ill Again

by Michael Brown

Seer Maria Esperanza has been sent home from a hospital in New Jersey, with doctors saying there is little more they can do as the great mystic goes in and out of a serious condition caused by a chronic neurological condition.

Esperanza was rushed to Southern Ocean County Hospital in Manahawkin on April 18 when oxygen levels in her blood dropped precipitously, necessitating nearly a week of treatment in intensive-care units and surgery for a feeding tube and tracheotomy.

Although she made a rare recent appearance in Newark (left), earlier in April, the seer, who was associated with St. Padre Pio, and is connected with the Church-approved site of Betania near her home city of Caracas, has been suffering from consistently degenerative Parkinson's-like afflictions for several years. For the past two years she has required assistance in personal care, including walking and eating. She has also been unable to clearly talk for more than a year.

Esperanza appeared to have improved for several days last week but apparently has suffered a relapse and is now under hospice care. She was released from the hospital Tuesday, with a diagnosis of "end stage" Parkinson's. "The doctors feel she could leave this world at any time," said son-in-law Carlos Marrero Bornn. "Doctors are not giving us any hope. They are not expecting her to overcome this. We are ready to accept God's Will. But we believe there could be an incredible healing."

Prayers are requested. Family members, including husband Geo, daughters Coromoto, Maria Inmaculada, and son-in-laws Bornn and Gabriel Gentile, have been with her since Christmas on an extended stay in the States, which she has visited regularly since the early 1990s. They maintain hope that she will recover, and have described her face transforming in recent days to what is at times a fleetingly youthful appearance -- like a woman her her twenties -- before reverting back to her current condition. At times she appears alert, at other times she appears to be in a trance. She is 75 and has also been accompanied by grandchildren.

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