Spirit Daily


From the mail and for your cautious discernment

Anonymous seer in eastern U.S., Sunday, September 25, 2005 – 12:00 Noon (Enlightenment – LORD JESUS CHRIST) 

My child record these words granted to you through My Divine Mercy.

Are you the Holy one born Incarnate?  My child, I AM the one born Incarnate.  

Hesitate not to record My Holy & Divine Words, for I come seeking to bring all of My  children into My Holy Sacred Heart.   

Today, the warnings are given, tomorrow the TRUTHS shall be revealed.  I am calling My Remnant Faithful to gather for vigil prayer beginning on the eve of the Feast of The Holy Rosary.  This call shall bring forth My faithful to pray for all those in need.  I am awaiting your presence before Me, here in the Temple of My Heavenly Father.  I shall bless My Remnant Faithful for the trials and tribulations ahead.  You shall be granted a sword of faith and an armor of protection for I shall prevail over the evils of darkness. 

Upon this gathering, I ask from that day forward, that you come to My Holy Tabernacle daily for nine (9) consecutive days to honor and give thanks to your ALMIGHTY GOD for the GOOD that prevails.  Bring thy petitions before Me seeking no selfish desires, but humble and loving desires for thy family and neighbor.  Pray with My Holy Mother Mary  the Rosary of Light caring and placing the unborn child in My Holy Sacred Heart.

Upon the completion of this vigil prayer and offering of alms and thanksgiving, gather your belongings for thy home shall be cleared of excess articles and distributed to the poor.  My Father’s Justice shall fall swiftly upon the earth and My people, I am calling to be prepared. For much has been given to you, My child, and much do I expect in return.

You shall gather with My beloved Priestly-Sons and pray as a group of My faithful for the coming events to unfold shall devastate the earth.  Your prayers shall be for the safety and preparation of My children.

Go and place holy oil and water upon thy home and place a picture of the United Hearts of My Holy Mother Mary and My Holy Sacred Heart in each room of your home. Prepare, for My Father is coming!  Prepare thy heart first and thy home secondly.

Daughter, Bride of the Blessed Trinity, call My faithful to this task.  Do not fear but act in obedience to the Words of your Divine Savior for My Mercy and Love is upon mankind.  Go in PEACE to love and serve Me …your GOD.

(Thank you JESUS for speaking these TRUTHS to my heart.)

You are welcome child.  My Divine Love rest upon thee and thy Family.



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