Spirit Daily
Mystery Surrounds Prophecies That A Sign Is Coming And Will Rise From East
By Michael H. Brown
is it about the east? It's what we seem to hear of late: that someday and
perhaps soon there will be a "sign from the east." It's what is floating around
in prophecies.
And of course it is all subject to your own inclination. How do we discern it? Is something about to precipitate again, as we see strange snowstorms and quakes and tremors and fires and floods? A sign can be many things.
"My children, you must turn to God and amend your ways while there is still time for repentance," said a message two years back that was associated with a weeping statue in Australia, which was seriously studied by the diocese. "Accept God's love and mercy. There will be little time to repent and turn your lives around. Be assured that the hours of the day are shortening. Know that the hour of warning is about to strike. Know that the time of warning will come and it will go and a simplified world is on the horizon. The arm of the Eternal Father falls faster, ever faster towards the earth and in it He holds His chastisement. For those without belief, all shall seem to be nothing but death, destruction, and despair, but for those in the Light it will be a rebirth. It is soon to begin and you will know by the sign in the East that it has begun" [my italics].
A message just days later from the same source and claiming to be the Virgin said, "Now is the moment for the Eternal Father to remove the impurities of this world that have been placed by Satan's smoke. It is time for Him to purify humanity and cleanse the earth forever. Know that the great sign is to come and that sign will rise out of the east."
I'll be discussing such things in seminars next year, including one in San Francisco. There is this constant drumbeat of the east -- brought to mind again last week with the flap over North Korea, which had been mentioned by an alleged Dutch seer in old revelations. "That is where it will come from," said this visionary, indicating eastward.
When we go to the Bible -- if there is any connection there (one must be cautious about using Scripture as a tool of augury) -- we find that "the Lord God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had formed (Genesis 2:8)." We also find that "the east wind brought the locusts" (Exodus 10:13)," and that the wise men had followed "His star in the east "(Matthew 2:2). That of course pertained to the Nativity.
Perhaps most dramatically: "For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be," said Jesus Himself (Matthew 24:27).
Food for thought! The idea of a
great sign is one that is mentioned in Revelation and even by popes like
Pius IX -- who once was quoted as saying, “There will come a great wonder, which
will fill the world with astonishment."
It is a time for prophecy as events continue to gain momentum and will do so in ways we least expect -- not always in the maelstrom, not always in hurricanes!
Many are those reporting unusual aerial images, strange rumbling noises, and sun miracles. Recently, there have been dreams about "loud rumblings" and a visual of the air "shaking." This was months before the Hawaii quake. The sensation of "shaking" has come from Louisiana, New York, and Canada.
Something rattling us.
What credence to place in such?
At Medjugorje, the latest reports include striking videos of the sun with a black spot in the very center, if it is not a quirk of the camera. We'll be bringing that to you soon.
"My child, suffering is the vehicle by which My people become human," says an alleged message to a West Coast man whose home is filled with weeping statues. "Their hard hearts are broken by certain events in their lives which cause great pain. This in turn causes them to stop and reflect in ways they never would otherwise. Pain breaks down defenses and postures, affected strengths and rationalizations."
Simplicity is perfection. If the answer is complicated, it is the work of man and not God.
If nothing else, take that to heart this day.
When events do come (personally, locally, or globally), they are God breaking what we have falsely built and gathering the pieces to put them back together in the way He wanted. That too was said out there on the West Coast.
As for the east?
An element of surprise. Look for an element of the unexpected. Beware of prophecies that are overly specific and that do not add to your actual spiritual development, or cause unnecessary fear.
God urgently pleads for us to see the storm clouds on the horizon but not be consumed by them. Judah and Israel experienced the suddenness of prophetic fulfillment on several occasions. After describing the covetousness, dishonesty, and rebellion of God's people, Jeremiah warned (6:26: is it augury?) of punishment that "will suddenly come upon us."
That is the word this month: expected the unexpected, and remember what George Washington Carver once said: "I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting system through which God speaks to us every hour; if we will only tune in."
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