Spirit Daily
A Symbol Of Easter, Claims Of Unusual Butterfly Come From Around The Globe
By Michael H. Brown
are the reports of a strange blue butterfly that seems to arrive at propitious
or otherwise significant moments. At the Church-approved site of Betania in
Venezuela are constant claims of an unusually large, nearly luminous blue
butterfly that wings from the site's Lourdes grotto at the very moment of an apparition.
Its strange circling of the crowds has been noted on many occasions by hundreds
of witnesses -- not only during apparitions, but also during the liturgy.
Yes, there are blue butterflies in Venezuela, as well as many other parts of the world -- but attention is drawn to the timing and unusual movement, as well as the fact that some say they have seen it simply disappear into thin air.
The same has been reported in Massachusetts to a nun who was to write a book about Betania and on Apparition Hill in Medjugorje during discussion of the butterfly itself!
When it comes, it seems to come as a sign -- a punctuation point.
As writer Joan Wester Anderson of Chicago informs us, it is also one of the most beloved symbols of Easter -- a universal sign of change and metamorphosis.
"Like Jesus
Himself, there is death, and then new life!" writes Joan, recounting what
happened to one woman. "As she ran errands with her children one spring day,
Kaylyn Dunne was thinking about this. She had just returned from a weekend
retreat that used the butterfly as its theme. The retreat had aroused her desire
for a deeper spiritual life, yet worried her too, because she had been asked to
be chairperson of the next retreat. Kaylyn had never been chairperson of
anything, and she felt quite inadequate. With her already crowded schedule and a
chronically ill son to care for, was God really calling her to do this? She
needed a sign...
"'Mom, look!' her son suddenly exclaimed from the back seat. Kaylyn almost hit
the brakes. Fluttering in front of her inside the car, was a huge monarch
butterfly. It was a vivid yellow, her favorite color. With the car moving at 45
miles per hour and the windows open barely a crack, how had it gotten in?
"The winged visitor quivered around delicately, then landed like a little puff
on the dashboard. Awed, the children stared at it. 'It must be frightened,'
Kaylyn told them. 'Open the windows, and let it fly out.' They did, but despite
the breeze, the butterfly stayed.
"Kaylyn pulled into the library parking lot. 'Let's leave the windows down while
we're gone,' she suggested. But when they returned to the car, the monarch was
still sitting on the dashboard, as if awaiting them. Bemused, Kaylyn finished
the errands, drove home, opened the car doors, went into the house with her
enthralled children, and waited. Eventually the butterfly leisurely emerged,
circled the house in a kind of embrace, and flew off.
"'I got to thinking of the timeliness of its arrival, right after I had
prayed,'" Kaylyn says, Did God intend it as a sign that He was near? That He
had plans for her to move more fully into life, to shed her cocoon and spread
her wings? Kaylyn accepted the chairperson job, and it became her path to a
richer spiritual life.
"Since that day, butterflies seem to visit Kaylyn often, especially when she
needs encouragement. One of the best encounters came when a friend held a prayer
service in her living room for Kaylyn's son. One of the group pointed to the
front window and exclaimed, "Look outside!" Everyone did. Tapping gently against
the glass was a brown butterfly. Just a coincidence? Perhaps. But it came in the
middle of a snowstorm. Flowers, rainbows, butterflies...nature's tender
treasures. Perhaps God uses them to bridge the barriers between heaven and
earth, to let us know that as He watches the sparrow He surely watches us.
"A blessed Easter - and new life! to each of you!"
Easter 2004
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