Spirit Daily
Alleged Image In Mexico Raises Question: Why Guadalupe -- And Why On Hospitals?
By Michael H. Brown
Why is an image of the Virgin Mary -- specifically the Virgin of Guadalupe -- appearing on another hospital, this time in Mexico?
Last weekend came an Associated Press report that such a likeness appears each night on Ensenada Hospital about sixty miles south of San Diego and "is bringing hundreds of people a night to [the] hospital at this beach-side resort. The image, about three feet high, appears in the light cast from a halogen patio lamp that comes on automatically at dark in the hospital courtyard entrance. Neighbors noticed the image on April 19, and informed hospital officials".
quickly comes to mind is that a similar image formed in the window of
Milton Hospital near Boston a year ago
[left], which some took as a sign of heavenly displeasure of the hospital's
merger with another that performs abortions. What also comes to mind is that
both were perceived as representations of Guadalupe -- where the Blessed Mother
appeared in 1531 to St. Juan Diego.
Meanwhile, a similar formation appeared on the reflective glass of an office building in Clearwater, Florida (where it was recently broken just a block from where Terri Schiavo, the disabled woman at the center of a tremendous feeding-tube dispute, was being kept). The Virgin of Guadalupe is the Patroness of the Americas -- and largely seen, because the Blessed Mother appears to be pregnant, as a pro-life symbol.
Does Ensenada perform abortion -- or is it considering it?
Could it be some other
sign in this rough-and-tumble place about sixty miles south of San
Just a few years ago, gunmen massacred 19 children and adults in a drug-related shooting. Others point out that Ensensada is one of the top ten destinations for American kids on spring break and is known for free-wheeling immorality.
Whatever the case, if
legitimate, the image is a sign of some kind -- and joins unusual images that
still occur on windows just over the border in the vicinity of Thermal,
California, not far from where fires rage.
May 2004
Photosource: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/mexico/20040430-1242-mexico-virgin.html
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