Jesus, Teach Me to Pray,
by Fr. Robert Faricy and Sr. Lucy Rooney, a charismatic, Marian duo highly
popular for their direct approach to profound prayer and the miraculous results
it can bring! This is a manual for personal prayer, with Jesus as the Instructor
-- and by personal prayer they address private prayer, the deepest times we
spend with God and how we most directly reach His Son click here
[adapted from What You Take To Heaven]
Today (11/2) we commemorate those who are deceased, and crucial this is. Every day, but especially today, we should pray for all souls in purgatory, especially those who died this day, who died on this day throughout all of history, and those most in need. It is an efficacious daily prayer!
Though most go there, the goal in life should be to avoid purgatory.
Don't give up and predestine yourself for it. Fight for a direct entry into Heaven. Do this by beseeching God every day in the Name of His Son -- in the Name of Jesus -- to fill your soul with purity and love. That's the ticket.
We go into the afterlife in the same mental state as we die. We are surrounded by what is in us. We form our eternity in accordance with darkness or light.
Don't sell yourself short. Don't be discouraged no matter how much your soul has been "stained." You still have time. Seek the highest levels. We currently have a "special report" on the illumination of souls (from a prophetic standpoint). At the end of life, we all experience this "illumination."
Higher "spheres"? Are there levels of Heaven?
Saint Paul (2 Corinthians 12:2) referred to a man caught up in the "third Heaven." In 1 Corinthians, Solomon mentions "the heavens and Highest Heavens."
That's our hope, our goal, our destination.
Seek always and constantly the higher place (in the direct sight of the Lord).
When we're on that quest, when we seek to please God every moment, when all we do -- work, eat, tasks, even spousal relations -- are from a spiritual perspective, we are on our way to purgation.
We purge also in how we handle adversity -- especially in these dark times, when evil attacks not just society but individuals, groups, and families.
Solider on!
Trying your best is enough for God. He knows you can't do everything we'd like to. Just try. Make the attempt. Find your mission in what your instinct, your gut, your intuition tells you.
"Bad" things -- challenges -- can be God's greatest gift. They're often sent to refine or awaken us.
Wisely, Solomon called out to God; repented; and turned his life over to the Lord.
That's what it takes -- with love and a clean soul that is possessed by good intentions.
The "bigger" we are, the harder we fall.
The lazier we are, the quicker we plummet.
As ego leaves, your robe brightens.
Darkness leaves -- sometimes over a long eventual period, sometimes in an instant.
It's said that when we die and do make it to Heaven -- to those high levels -- we choose what age we want to appear as. This is good news!
How do we find our "jobs" -- our roles -- in Heaven?
"Well," an angel supposedly said to a man named John Oxenham, "there are two things we've got to do here: continue our own education for the higher sphere and help those who are needing help, either here or elsewhere or still on earth. And we naturally want to help in the ways we know best."
"He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments," says Revelation 3:5, ("and I will not erase his name from the Book of Life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels").
The soul must be cleansed by strict control of thoughts. When a person comes to mind, if the automatic reaction is to think of negatives associated with the person, or a lustful inclination (if the imagination immediately takes certain paths), this "program," this broken-record in the thought process, must be banished and the Holy Spirit, in the Name of Jesus, does this: purifies our thoughts, when we ask, so we avoid having to erase them on the other side.
Violent thoughts add up in the hereafter, as do loving, joyful ones, and the quality of our afterlives will mirror this.
Wrong thoughts must be purged here or in the hereafter.
Saint Mark of Ephesus (an Orthodox saint) said, "If souls have departed this life in faith and love, while nevertheless carrying away with themselves certain faults, whether small ones over which they have not repented at all, or great ones for which – even though they have repented over them – they did not undertake to show fruits of repentance: such souls, we believe, must be cleansed from this kind of sin, but not by means of some purgatorial fire or a definite punishment in some place (for this, as we have said, has not been handed down to us). But some must be cleansed in the very departure from the body."
Confession has to be followed by real change in how we think and act.
Yet, always, there is God's Mercy.
[adapted from What You Take To Heaven; see also the new book, Imagine Heaven]
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