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animals have an afterlife? Or at least, is there a supernatural aspect to
Years ago an elderly woman we knew
had a dream of her pet cockatiel fluttering into her bedroom as if to say
good bye and found the bird dead in the morning.
Dogs are known to howl when their
masters pass on -- even if it is miles away.
At Assisi, where the great animal
lover St. Francis lived, doves congregate oddly on the arms of his statue.
When the Blessed Mother has come in
apparition, flocks of birds have been known to turn unnaturally silent.
And so author Susi Pittman, a devout
Catholic who works with animal organizations, in Florida, asks, "Animals
in Heaven? Catholics Want to Know!" -- a book that tackles
the question from a standpoint that is strictly obedient to the teachings
of Catholicism.
Despite common
misconceptions, the Church has not decided on the answer to that
do know that popes have had an affection for creatures. John Paul II said
that animals possess the "spark of God," and Pope Benedict XVI loves cats
so much that when he was Cardinal "he nursed the injured and sick ones,
feeding many of the cats that took up residence close to where he lived,"
writes Susi. "There was a time when so many cats followed him to the
Vatican that a Swiss guard was heard to remark that he thought the cats
were 'laying siege to the Holy See.'"
What the Church does teach is that
animals are here to serve man and are to be treated with respect and
kindness. "[God] surrounds them with His providential care," says the
Catechism (2416). "By their mere existence they bless Him and give Him
glory." Exploitation is forbidden.
"No animal can be more important
than a human soul, nor should we obsess unnecessarily over our lesser
brethren in the animal world," Pittman writes. "But animals are a gift,
and we should respect them and all Creation with the dignity and value
given them by God."
This is an important book at a time
when animals are crammed into food mills, forced out of their habitats,
slain unnecessarily (for sport), and in many cases -- in a startling
number of cases -- threatened with extinction.
It is hard to imagine that God
created a species in order for us to destroy it.
According to the Little Flowers
of St. Francis: "One day, it is recalled, a youth had taken many
turtle-doves, and as he was carrying them to sell them. St. Francis, who
ever had singular compassion for gentle creatures, chanced to meet him,
and looking upon those turtle-doves with compassionate eye, said to the
youth: 'Good youth, I pray thee give them to me, that birds so gentle,
which in the Scriptures are likened unto chaste and humble and faithful
souls, come not into the hands of cruel men who would slay them.'" Francis
then tamed the doves.
"We must
remember, though, that animals are what they are," writes the
author. "They are not human. All animals were created according to God's
own unique design and are hardwired differently in their relationship with
the Creator than is humankind."
But what about that spiritual
"Animals live among us with usual,
unusual, and even inspiring behaviors that suggest an undercurrent of some
unseen power that sustains and dignifies their existence," she notes. "God
has considerations for all Creation!"
At the Blessed
Mother's home in Ephesus, Turkey, where she lived her last years
with Saint John, birds abound to such an extent that the area is known as
the "Mountain of Nightingales."
Bees were supernaturally connected
to Saint Rita. St. Anthony of Padua was said once to have caused a
multitude of fish to congregate (listening to him speak). St. Francis
bargained with a wolf, while another St. Francis -- Xavier -- was said to
have lost a Crucifix while trying to quell the wind aboard a ship bound
for Baranura. Legend has it that a huge crab rose from the water clutching
Myths? Legends? There are those who
have claimed to see apparitions of deceased animals. There is the donkey
that spoke in Scripture. We know of Saint Benedict's relationship with a
near-death experiences, many are those who insist that they saw
magnificent animals on the "other side."
For your discernment.
"Adults and children alike have
described seeing family pets, petting and embracing pets, and even seeing
other animals and created things, such as flowers, trees, birds, and
mountains [during brushes with death]," notes Susi, who resides with 14
pets she has rescued. "They hear incredible music and see colors that our
human eyes could not bear to see because of the brilliance and diffusive
nature of the glorified natural."
"The saints who have received
private revelations from Mary, Mother of Jesus, tell us that on occasion,
the Blessed Mother is seen with a bird or birds about her," adds Pittman.
"I have had personal experiences at the death of some of my animals that
speak of the miraculous, but I hold those privately and adhere to what the
Church teaches me to be the truth."
At Betania, in Venezuela -- an
apparition site declared as "sacred ground" by the bishop -- a blue
butterfly flitted from a grotto at the moment of apparitions.
It is an area
of controversy. No one doubts the primacy of man -- who is made in
God's image. But are animals just "things" -- of no more consequence than
a stone?
Or was the chasm between man and
creatures created during the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden?
One day, will lion lay next to the
lamb? [See today's Mass reading.]
In the afterlife, are there the
creatures mentioned in Revelation?
of our Catholic clergy are quick to discount Heaven for animals," argues
Susi. "It is confusing, to say the least, when Catholic priests from
around the world don't always match up with their theology. The faithful
are told -- sometimes tragically -- that 'we don't believe in that!' or
'that subject is absolutely trivial.' This attitude shows total disregard
for those caring and concerned souls who answer the Creation stewardship
calling from God. It takes the importance of God's Plan for the ultimate
perfecting of all Creation and tosses it aside!"
Again: for your consideration.
The guide is the Catechism.
We'll leave it at Scripture:
"And I heard every creature in
Heaven and on earth and under the sea and in the sea, and all therein,
saying, 'To Him Who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and
honor and glory and might for ever and ever!'" (Revelation 5:13).
Animals in Heaven? Catholics Want to Know! and
Tower of Light]
[Note also
today's reading: "Then
the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the
kid; The calf and the young lion shall browse together, with a little child to
guide them. The cow and the bear shall be neighbors, together their young shall
rest; the lion shall eat hay like the ox. The baby shall play by the cobra’s
den, and the child lay his hand on the adder’s lair. There shall be no harm or
ruin on all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be filled with knowledge of
the LORD, as water covers the sea" [
Ecc 3:21 Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit
of the beast goes down to the earth?]
[Feedback, Joel McClain: "I once heard a story about a young child,
who had suffered the loss of his beloved pet dog. After church, he asked
the minister if his dog would be waiting for him in heaven. There was a
hushed silence from the adults, as the minister quietly explained his
answer. He said, that heaven is a place of perfection and joy.
If the presence of that dog would add to the boy's joy, then it would be
there. God is eternal love. All love seeks its source.]
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