In revelations to an Irish monk, presented in the book In Sinu Jesu, are these words: "I will give you My light about the things that weigh upon you, or sadden you, or perplex you. Bring everything to Me and I will give you in exchange My grace and My love. It is fear more than anything else that prevents you from coming into My Presence with confidence, with hope, and with a quiet heart. Approach me with childlike confidence and you will never be disappointed." And so, a prayer given us by a priest:
Heavenly Father, You are light; and in You there is no darkness (cf. 1 John 1:5). In the beginning, when You created the heavens and the earth, You said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
Lord Jesus, You came into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in you should stay in darkness (cf. John 12:46). I believe that You are the light of the world (cf. John 9:5), and I want to become a child of the light (cf. John 12:36). I want to follow You and have the light of life (cf. John 8:12). I want to live by the truth and come into the light (cf. John 3:21) -- the true light that darkness has not overcome and that gives light to everyone (cf. John 1:5, 9).
Lord Jesus, You came to baptize me with the Holy Spirit and fire (cf. Luke 3:16) and to bring fire to the earth (cf. Luke 12:49). You have called me in righteousness and have taken hold of my hand. Make me a light for the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison, and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness (cf. Isaiah 42:6-7).
Lord Jesus, BATHE ME WITH YOUR LIGHT. Set my heart on fire with the power of Your love. Fan into flame the gifts that you have already given me (cf. 2 Timothy 1:6) and fill me afresh with the Holy Spirit so that I may be clothed with the armor of light (cf. Romans 13:12) and speak the word of God with boldness (cf. Acts 4:31).
In the beautiful name of Jesus, I declare that I have seen a great light and that a light has dawned in my heart (cf. Matthew 4:16). In the powerful name of Jesus, I proclaim that I am a child of the light and a child of the day (cf. Thessalonians 5:5) and that I am going to let my light shine before others so that they may glorify my Father in Heaven (cf. Matthew 5:16), who has qualified me to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the Kingdom of light (cf. Colossians 1:12), where night shall be no more and where the Lord God will be my Light for ever and ever (cf. Rev. 22:5). Amen
[resources: In Sinu Jesu, A Life of Blessings and The Seven]