From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]:
How God habitually allows the Souls in Purgatory to communicate with us.
In a world in which the action of the evil one is atrociously seen, sometimes the hope and faith that God is close to us becomes diffuse.
But He is next to us communicating through His Spirit.
And one of the ways is through our dreams.
And we have to be attentive.
Here we will talk about how and why God communicates specifically through our dreams, how to discern them, and we will tell you a real event from a few months ago, which clearly shows how God uses dreams so that we can help souls in purgatory.

God communicates with humanity permanently and one of the ways is through dreams.
In Job 33 it is clearly expressed that “in dreams, in night vision, when a lethargy falls upon men, while they are asleep in their beds, then He opens the ears of men.”
Therefore, dreams have a meaning that we can understand.
And they are the result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Why does God communicate with us?
To reveal His plans and purposes.
God shows us things ahead of time, because He wants to give us a vision beyond our present states, so that we find peaceful solutions to the problem areas of our lives.
It gives us anticipations of the future to ensure such that we will have time to prepare and make the right decisions.
And also so that we can see and hear the answers to our prayers.
And why does God use dreams?
Because we are not always open to hearing His Voice.
And during our dreams, it bypasses the shell we have around our hearts, which can make us deaf to hearing.
Dreams bypass our self-defense mechanisms and preconceived notions.
And then God can warn you to change the way you listen to what He is telling you.
Sometimes there is a premonition. If a dream occurs three times or more, it may be a premonition [or even just once].
Sometimes, we have dreams that give us special instructions or guidance on how to move forward in a certain situation.
Sometimes they advise us about a wrong direction we have taken.
And they show us the sins in our hearts, which our conscious minds refuse to recognize.
And how can we know that a dream is from God?
You can always identify when a dream comes from God, because it will leave a tremendous lasting impression on you.
It will be clear and not diffuse, and it will affect your life.
And another sign of confirmation that the dream is from God can be something as simple as a redundancy.
A redundancy that is not natural but supernatural.
Sometimes we can recognize God’s Voice in a dream because it is part of an ongoing conversation.
Either a priest preaches the same message that you just received in a dream, or events happen to you that day that echo what you have seen in the night.
Maybe a friend calls you and repeats the same message, or you are watching the scene unfold before your eyes in another person, that same day.
Or like in this story recently written by the famous Christian writer Rod Dreher, about what happened to the family of a Catholic friend named Pete, where it is clear that the Holy Spirit is very active. And that His hand can be seen in many things that may seem like coincidences, but are understood in a very different light when seen through the eyes of faith.
His friend Pete comes from a large Catholic family of eight siblings, although some have fallen away from the faith.
In August 2022, his brother Dan suffered a blow to the head so severe that it caused a brain hemorrhage and he died. He was only 30 years old.
He was far from the faith.
Dan was buried with a Catholic funeral Mass, and Pete and his sister Julie offered prayers and Masses for the repose of his soul.
And seemingly unrelated to that episode, Pete asked his spiritual director in June 2023 how he could be more attentive and open to the Holy Spirit.
And Father Jack encouraged him to ask Our Lord to speak to him in his dreams.
So he prayed to God to allow him to be open to Him and speak to Him in his dreams.
And a few weeks later he had a dream about his brother Dan.
He was in a room with one of his other brothers, Jim, and Dan began speaking to them from beyond the grave.
Only Jim could hear it, because Jim had been closest to Dan in life.
And as Dan spoke, a bright light went on and off.
Then Jim told him that Dan was in purgatory, he said that they wouldn’t want to go there, and that they should avoid purgatory at all costs.
He told him to “draw a line around your life.”
This dream was different from the others; it was very vivid and memorable, and was unlike any he had ever experienced.
And it also surprised him, because he had prayed a lot for Dan and offered many Masses for him, but it seemed that he was still suffering in purgatory.
He called his brother Jim immediately and told him his dream.
And Jim was shocked, because he told him that that same night, his wife Margaret also had a dream about Dan.
In the dream, the family members were trying to convince Dan not to go to where he ultimately had the fatal accident.
And a couple of days later Pete told both dreams to his sister Julie.
And Julie told him that her five-year-old son, Joseph, had also had a dream about Dan.
The boy had woken up crying and recounted a terrifying dream of Dan surrounded by flames, telling him, “Get me out of here!”
Then Pete told his spiritual director and discerned that it seemed like Dan was trying to talk to them.
He encouraged them to forgive him for anything they had not forgiven him for and also to ask forgiveness for anything they had done to him.
And he encouraged them to continue praying for him and offering mortifications.
So they did that.
After several weeks, his sister Julie called him to tell me about another dream her son Joseph had.
This time it wasn’t a scary dream; he said he saw Jesus in his dream, and Jesus, pointing to Dan, who was standing near Him, said: “Do you remember him?”
Then the brothers discerned that perhaps he was already in Heaven or on a higher level of purgatory.
And they continued praying and offering mortifications.
And a few weeks later Pete and his family went on vacation, and while they were visiting a tourist cave, their ten-month-old son Ed couldn’t stop crying no matter what his parents did.
The baby’s middle name was Dan in honor of the deceased.
And when the crying turned to screaming, a desperate Pete looked up and said, “Dan, please help me.”
And instantly Ed stopped crying and fell softly asleep. It was absolutely miraculous.
From there he began to have the feeling that Dan was interceding for him, and that perhaps he was already in Heaven.
And sometime later Nicky Eltz’s book came into her hands, in which she reports about María Simma and the souls in purgatory that appear to her, and which is precisely called “Get us out of here.”
Well, that’s it, what we wanted to tell about God’s communication through dreams and with a very surprising case of a soul from purgatory asking for help through dreams.
And I would like to ask you if you have had any dreams that you think came from God or not. [Forums of the Virgin Mary, Peru]