From The List (re: Kamala Devi Harris): Kamala itself is a name that means “lotus” or “pale red” in Sanskrit.
Do You Have A ‘Phantom’ Cell Phone?
Oh, those cell phones. They haunt you. And then they really haunt you. Or so it is said. For example: The.
Take It From Socrates
Did you ever notice how Jesus never disparaged people by name? And how He was obedient when it came to.
Comfort From Psalms
Psalm 91: Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[b] 2 I will say of.
Animals In Dark Of Night
Being an animal in the wild teaches us much about spiritual warfare. Think about it: a creature out there in.
10 Foods That Unclog Arteries Naturally
From Power Of Positivity: The arteries consist of blood vessels that deliver nutrients and oxygen from the heart to the.
The Miracle At Basilica Of Notre-Dame-du-Cap
From Osprey Observer: The Basilica of Notre-Dame-du-Cap, located halfway between Montreal and Quebec City, is one of Canada’s national shrines.
A Lesson From Hiroshima
[adapted from The God of Miracles by Michael H. Brown] There’s a shield of power — an energy transcending all known forces.
The ‘Covid Curse’?
Is there a covid-19 “curse”? Sometimes it appears that way. It seems like this thing has a mind and ego.
Mailbag: ‘Illumination Of Conscience’ (Discernment Only)
What If A Spirit Is Involved?
Or spirits? You never know. It’s in the new this week, even at the White House. We speak here —.
Prayer Time: ‘Heal Me, Oh Saint Raphael’
Glorious Archangel St. Raphael, great prince of the heavenly court, you are illustrious for your gifts of wisdom and grace..
Observations, From Near And Far
As far as fake news: go to social media for a lot of that, and consider the closeness in.
Precious Blood Novena
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Video: Fulton Sheen On Rebellion
Triage And Population Control
Are doctors and other medical types trying to ascend even closer toward the Throne of God? If, during this pandemic.
Mailbag: A Response To Dr. Miravalle on Alleged Seer-Priest
[Views pro and con expressed in ‘mailbags’ are writers’] By Daniel O’Connor (Countdown to the Kingdom) On July 13, 2020,.
Theologian Raises ‘Grave Concerns With ‘Seer’
[Views expressed in ‘mailbag’ those of writers] From the Mail: By Dr. Mark Miravalle St. John Paul II Chair of.
Mailbag: Photo Of Huge ‘Human-Size’ Bat Is Giving People Nightmares
Call it summer oddities. A couple things. Have you ever thought about the associations between spirits and certain animals? There’s.
The Beleaguered White Male
The movement to remove statues of those believed to have been racist or otherwise abusive has grown from slave-owners, Confederate.
Mailbag: Where Is Holy Water Poured Into Mississippi Now?
Dear All: Many have asked, “Where might the Holy Water be at this time?” Before trying to answer that question,.
Divine Mercy Picture Didn’t Burn!
What Is Death Rate Of Virus?
There were 33,654 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States in 2018 in which 36,560 deaths occurred. This resulted in 11.2 deaths per 100,000 people.
Archives: How About A Vaccine Against Evil?
Right now the devil is all over the place. We need personal protection. We need to protect our families. Since Pope Leo.
Did Sahara Dust Form Apocalyptic Figures?
From Twitter (mailbag): Photo-shopped? See the 4 horsemen? Someone took a picture of that image formed from the dust happened.
See Anything (Or Anyone)?
Let us know ( if you see an image in the photo.
Video: Father Scanlan’s Prophecy
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Mailbag: Cop Persecutions?
Thank you for posting the video today on the other side of the Black Lives Matter story. My son is.
A Retired Catholic Cop’s View
By Jesse Romero A retired (Catholic) Cop analyzes the arrest of George Floyd and the riots around the country from a.
An Alleged Seer’s Territory
Can he be followed by the faithful? Or is it disobedient? That has been the debate — over an alleged.