From the Christian Post: (Photo: Reuters/Stringer)Christian families, who fled from violence in Mosul, gather inside a building which was used.
Texas Diocese Investigating Pavone
From SI Live: STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — The priest who posted a controversial video of an aborted fetus on an.
Rev. Frank Pavone has created a disturbing pro-Donald Trump video featuring an aborted fetus ‘It is hard for me to express.
A Coincidence Or A Sign?
From the mail (and news): Many things. We’ll tackle a few. First: news is spreading rapidly about an image.
Pope And Election Chaos
There it was, in plain print: the Pope making a statement that had to some extent ease the minds of.
Pope Warns Ahead Of Election On ‘Walls’
From KXLY-TV: Pope Francis delivered a powerful message Saturday in which he warned against “social walls” and “false prophets” fueling.
Statue To Be Moved?
From The beloved Virgin Mary statue atop Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center survived an earthquake – but may.
Pools Of Blood At Gethsemane
We spoke the other day to a priest from South Dakota, Father Michael Wensing, who a year ago this past.
Signs In The Sky
Are there signs in the sky? A “supermoon” arrives soon, the largest since 1948. Due next Monday. Is there significance.
Latest Mirjana Message
Our Lady’s message to Mirjana Soldo of November 2nd, 2016 Dear children, To come to you and to make myself.
Solar Cycle
From Vencoreweather: Solar cycle 24 The sun goes through a natural solar cycle approximately every 11 years. The cycle is.
Pope: Ban On Female Priests Is Forever
From USA Today: The Catholic Church’s ban on female priests will stand forever, Pope Francis said Tuesday. The Pontiff made the.
San Francisco: The Present Darkness
While, when thinking of spiritual issues in San Francisco, most focus on how it was the wellspring for Sixties revolution.
Which Candidate Is ‘Evil’?
FROM THE PASTOR October 30, 2016 by Fr. George W. Rutler Exactly eight years ago I wrote a column titled.
Powerful Quake Topples Cathedral
From Associated Press: NORCIA, Italy (AP) — Another powerful earthquake shook Central Italy on Sunday, sending panicked residents running into.
Filipino Leader Claims ‘God’ Told Him To Stop Cursing
From Associated Press: MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The foul-mouthed Philippine president, who once called the pope a “son of a.
A Strange And Dangerous Election
It’s the strangest election in our lifetimes, and perhaps in U.S. history, as well as perhaps the most dangerous. The.
Images In Flames?
We display so many cases whereby one might perceive images or other meaningful formations in clouds, rocks, flowers — so.
What The Original Guadalupe Image May Have Looked Like
And so we have a winner. A week ago we asked anyone with proficiency at editing on Photoshop or whatever.
‘Bad Moon’ Over the Atlantic
Call this “Bad Moon Rising,” as in the music of Credence Clearwater Revival. That song from the Sixties (see lyrics.
A Seer In New York
It’s quaint, in its simplicity, the picture an alleged seer, Edson Glauber, of Itaparinga, Brazil, drew during a recent swing.
The Hurricane Lady
From the archives: The Hurricane Lady And How Prayer Can Stop What Could Be Major Disasters By Michael H. Brown.
Of Strange Clouds
By now, many have seen the “viral” satellite photo of Hurricane Matthew — with swirling clouds forming what looks eerily.
Where The Faith Grows
There’s a little secret out there in Catholicism, and we had a link to it recently: how, while mainstream religions are.
A Perilous Political Time
It is a truly dangerous crossroad in U.S. history, and politics is among the many “signs of the times.” In.
Feedback: Why Blue?
Why is the Blessed Virgin so very often bedecked in blue — whether dress or mantle or veil or the.
What Would She Look Like?
Is anyone out there good with Photo-shop,, or other graphic editing devices? Here’s the challenge: devising a portrait of.
When Spirits Are Alarming
The effects of spirits are many — far beyond what we, with the eyes of earth, normally reckon. One.
The World’s Most Popular Shrines
What are the most popular — the most attended — shrines in the world? There are some surprises here. Did.
Goodness, Evil Is Rampant
Goodness, evil is rampant — at least public displays of it. Every other day is a story across the internet.