Do you ever find that coincidences are especially pronounced during Mass? Something is said at exactly the right moment, or.
Archives: Little Coincidences That Aren’t So ‘Little’
Looking back on your life, odds are you can contemplate huge turning points that depended on the smallest things..
Archives: When The Spiritual Atmosphere Shifts Around You
Have you ever noticed how the spiritual atmosphere of a room or entire house can change when a certain person.
Archives: Sins Of The Father (And Mothers)
Is sin hereditary? Are we afflicted by spirits from the past? Can they be passed from one generation to the.
Archives: What Heals
We all go through it, don’t we? The news that we or a loved one may have a serious illness..
Archives: No, Biblical Miracles Didn’t End With Biblical Accounts
Isn’t it extraordinary how so many Catholics believe or profess to accept the miracles in the Bible but seem to.
Archives: Lost Items Found Miraculously
You may recall several months back when we had articles about those who have lost something, only to have it.
From the Marines to Making Rosaries
(Two stories from the archives; brothers are now deceased) By Michael H. Brown First story Two burly former Marines, Joseph.
Archives: One Woman’s Snapshot Of Eternity
There were no harps. There were no angels winging about in the ether. But a woman who experienced what is.
Archives: Former Pentecostal Detailed Stunning Healings As Well As Eucharistic Miracle (2 stories)
By Michael H. Brown First story A non-denominational preacher who had been a Protestant for 33 years and had converted.
The Levels Of Purgatory (Archives)
For years, since the beginning of this website a quarter of a century ago, we have been distributing a booklet.
1990 Prophecy Commentary
December 2004 1990 Cloning And Mixing Of Genes May Bring Us Closer To Alleged Prophetic Events By Michael H. Brown.
Flashback: When A Nun Wielded A Chainsaw
After Miami storm damage, 2017: +
Archives: When The Power Of Eucharist Shows Itself
If you don’t think there’s power in the Eucharist all you needed to do was watch what happened when that.
Archives: Recover Your Destiny
Recover your destiny. Make sure you are on track to fulfill your mission. How often do we think of this.
Archives: Mass And The Gift Of Tears
We once had an article about the “gift of tears” (whereby the Holy Spirit incites the flow of cleansing tears.
Archives: When Boston Executive Witnessed Miracle
When Arthur Boyle, one time president of Cargo Worldwide in Boston, was told there were three nodules in his lung,.
When You Hit ‘Rock Bottom,’ Find Your Foundation There
When you hit rock bottom, then you have located a foundation on which to build. A concrete pad. Can you.
Archives: Ex-Pentecostal’s Stunning Testimony On Precious Blood
[Part Two of series; see here for Part One] By Michael H. Brown Second story When we left off, we.
Archives: Former Pentecoctal Offered Stunning Healings As Well As Eucharistic Miracle
First story A non-denominational preacher who was a Protestant for 33 years and has now converted to Catholicism says he.
Archives: Your Family, Your Mission
You and your family have a mission in life. It is unlike the mission of any other person (or family).
Best Of Archives: Man Who Heard ‘Voice’ Of The Lord Claims He Was Told Why Demons Rage Against Us
Second story A man from Colombia who was abducted in 1997 and experienced what he describes as a miraculous encounter.
Archives: The Amazing Account Of Hollywood ‘Fast-Laner’ Who Found God, Kidnapped In A Cave
First story There is an incredible story in an incredible book that details the life and conversion of one Marino.
Archives: In The Rush-Rush, Christ Brings Peace
When you have to make major decisions, the simple rule is to decide on what gives you the greatest peace..
Archives: Finding Balance In Spirit, Food, And Body
Can it be true? Can we really have more control over our health than we think? Are we solely at.
Reverse The Curse By Praying For Antagonists
Reverse the curse. When someone is winging fiery darts at you, quench the flame. Do it through discipline. Do that.
Archives: Slow Down Time By Heading For Blessed Sacrament
By Michael H. Brown I have this sense that things are accelerating. Do you feel the same way? First, of.
Archives: Claim Your Blessing
There was once an eight-year-old boy who claimed to have “visited” Heaven and seen a place, there, of “unclaimed blessings.”.
After The Fire Of Affliction Comes Joy
It often seems weird when we hear people say that one of God’s gifts is suffering. How can that be okay?.
Archives: Finding Balance In Body And Spirit
Can it be true? Can we really have more control over our health than we think? Are we solely at.