From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese; for discernment; views expressed are Forum’s]: The Modernists’ Master Plan to.
Occult Watch: The ‘Alaska Triangle’
When is it going to stop? The reports — of flying saucers and bigfoot and associated “Fortean phenomena” — continue.
Forums: The Truth About Natural Disasters And Sin
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; views expressed are Forum’s]: The heavenly remedy for natural disasters caused by the.
How The Lord And Angels Read Our Thoughts
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: How the Angels and Saints know exactly what you are thinking. The angels.
28 Pompeii. Sodom. Ancient Rome. Fire. But a quandary remained: how did the axis of the earth and warfare.
How Foreigners Could Use A.I. To Infiltrate Christianity
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese, for discernment]: How foreign forces can enter Christianity in the world.
A Poem By Archbishop Sheen
“Who’s Minding the Store?” I went to church the other day to free my soul from sin. I was looking.
Discernment: How Freemasonry Quietly Exerts Control
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Peru; views are those of Forums]: The Masonic Rituals and their Connection.
What Happened To Bella Dodd?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation, unedited; views expressed are Forum’s]: What happened to the one who infiltrated more.
How Bishops In Germany Are Undermining Church
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation]: How some bishops and cardinals are leading the Church away from the Truths.
The Supernatural Language Of Guadalupe
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: The symbology used by the Virgin of Guadalupe to present herself and Jesus.
How The Evil One Is Numbing Us To Reality
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: The Bible suggests that the “less awake” generation will suffer a great test.
Is This What Mary Looked Like?
Two items, from the mailbag. You may have seen, firstly, the little video clip we ran of an SUV sailing over.
Mailbag: When Does Soul Enter?
Here, we’ll go the safe, tried, and true route: the soul enters at the moment of conception. That’s our view..
Mystery Of The Bible: Who Was Simeon?
Did you ever wonder who Simeon was? It would seem he was a mystic, known to Jesus’ family. For we.
Viewpoint: How They Plan To De-Christianize West
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: How they have achieved de-Christianization of the West. We are not discovering anything.
Were There Conspiracies Behind Benedict’s Resignation
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation; views are those of Forums. They come at a time of wonderings by.
Musk’s Live-In Girlfriend A Witch?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation]: The world’s wealthy elites are often not friends of faith like they once.
Will Russia Re-Evangelize World — After Pummeling It?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [rough translation]: Russia is the hinge country for the stage of the End of Times.
Shocker: Pope Says Vaccination A ‘Moral Obligation’
From Associated Press: Pope Francis suggested Monday that getting vaccinated against the coronavirus was a “moral obligation” and denounced how.
‘A Catastrophic Blackout Is Coming’
Supposed Seer: I Did Not Say Vaccine Was ‘Mark Of The Beast’
From website of alleged Irish seer Christina Gallagher [for discernment only]: Despite the clarity of the DISCLAIMER beneath, it was.
Takes On The Pope
We were waiting to see if, and hoping that, Pope Francis would admonish U.S. President Joseph Biden over the latter’s.
Discernment Beat: A Miracle?
From Facebook: [Return to] Pray always for purity and love Please report any inappropriate ads or paid content
‘The Truth Of Things Is Emerging’
From Forums of the Virgin Mary (translated, for discernment): The truth of things is emerging. We are walking towards the.
Video: A Legitimate Message?
[resources: video of 9/11 Michael Brown prophecy retreat, available shortly]
Radio Hosts In Virus Rants
A flurry of questions. Are we at that point of control many have long feared? Are freedoms not at stake?.
Mary Still Stands!
New Orleans In The Dark
Monday’s Responsorial Psalm: “R. (13b) The Lord comes to judge the earth.” From Associated Press: Debbie Greco and her family.
New World: Super-Wealthy Fleeing To Island, In Land Grab?
Should we be alarmed — more with private entrepreneurs and big-techies than any government? We’ve been arguing that. They could.