We are entering new territory. Start with what we glean in the new mask recommendations from CDC. Have you noticed.
Is Bezos A Hidden Catholic?
Call this a “world watch” — though this time a bit out of this world. One speaks firstly and mainly.
Is This How U.S. Might Look?
Who can deny the disunited nature of these “United” States? Liberals are more radical than ever — taking dangerous steps.
Blessed Virgin: ‘Satan Is Strong’
You can make any number of things out of the message — the words spoken by the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Archives: With Belief In God, No Fear In Coming Secrets (Fortieth Anniversary of Medjugorje)
We sat down [a few years back] with Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo, one of the seers at the apparition site of.
Untold Effects Of Demonism
When we think of severe cases of demonism and possession, one’s thoughts fly to screaming victims, convulsions, a guttural voice,.
Secret Tech Wars
Some U.S. officials suspect the so-called Havana Syndrome could be an unintentional byproduct of foreign efforts to collect intelligence from U.S. government.
Was Secret Builder Of Mysterious ‘Guidestones’ Identified?
From the Des Moines Register: Did newspapers — local obituaries — identify the mystery man who built the “Georgia Guidestones”.
How 105-Year-Old Got There
Interesting it is that the oldest people in the news, for surviving the coronavirus, are dedicated Catholic women who pray.
Pope: Life Is Battle Against Devil
From the Vatican: The account in Mark’s Gospel (Mk 1:12-15) on this first Sunday of Lent emphasizes that the “Spirit.
Many Are The Signs Of The Times
Many are the indications. If the wildfire season for now is behind us, and if we’re still three glorious months.
Virus Was Spreading Earlier Than Thought
There it was, in the news again this week. As one outlet, Newsmax, reported, “The World Health Organization’s Wuhan, China,.
A Commentary: The Great Apostasy
By Dr. Matthew A. Tsakanikas Great Apostasy: Part I How Can the Man of Lawlessness Ascend God’s Throne? Saint Augustine.
Was Jesus Conservative Or Liberal?
Now that’s a volatile question, is it not? — since both conservatives and liberals (and moderates) in Christianity, including Catholicism,.
Pope: Speak Out Against ‘Fake News’
From the Vatican: [Note: the Pope was recently himself a target of fictional ‘news’ with a report that he had.
Is Vaccine Really That Unsafe?
Once and for all: Are the Covid-19 vaccines safe or unsafe? Effective or a temporary fix? Some underhanded conspiracy? To.
A (Too) Strange Virus
Then on Monday, October 5, Mariah spent the day shopping with her mother, ordered dinner and lived an otherwise normal.
What’s In That Light In Amy’s Hair?
[Return to www.spiritdaily.com]
Dolan: It’s Not Fair!
Why are Churches Being Singled Out? By Cardinal Timothy Dolan Since the re-opening of our churches last Summer, I’ve made.
Covid-Era Holy Water Fonts
Touchless sensor-activated Holy Water Dispensers: [Return to www.spiritdaily.com]
This Is ‘QAnon’?
From ABC: For nearly three years, QAnon followers have been feverishly deciphering thousands of cryptic clues and predictions posted online.
If You Could Go Back…
If you could go back to 1950, would you do it? There would be no Internet, no cellphones and you.
You Don’t Think These Are Signs?
Any other time, we’d be sure something was askew in the U.S. Record wildfires. A historic pandemic, especially deadly in.
What The Name Kamala Means
From The List (re: Kamala Devi Harris): Kamala itself is a name that means “lotus” or “pale red” in Sanskrit.
Animals In Dark Of Night
Being an animal in the wild teaches us much about spiritual warfare. Think about it: a creature out there in.
A Lesson From Hiroshima
[adapted from The God of Miracles by Michael H. Brown] There’s a shield of power — an energy transcending all known forces.
The ‘Covid Curse’?
Is there a covid-19 “curse”? Sometimes it appears that way. It seems like this thing has a mind and ego.
What If A Spirit Is Involved?
Or spirits? You never know. It’s in the new this week, even at the White House. We speak here —.
Observations, From Near And Far
As far as fake news: go to social media for a lot of that, and consider the closeness in.