In our intriguing times, hardly a day goes by without something that seems in line with what has been expected for.
Bits And Pieces: Of Haunted Trees
How inherent in nature are spirits? This is not about “nature spirits,” as in wood nymphs and fairies, which are.
Seers And North Korea
When it comes to North Korea, there are interesting prophetic aspects — potentially. Perhaps most noteworthy: how, way back in.
The Spirit Of Control
By Derek Prince: In many parts of the world, the open practice of witchcraft has continued unchanged for centuries. In.
Was Vegas Shooter Demonically Influenced?
What if the reason it’s hard to figure out the motive of the Las Vegas shooter is because the energy.
Technological Anti-Christ
When most people think of an anti-christ, it’s as a “personage of evil”: some prominent human imbued with evil or.
Is There A Message?
Is there a message? The worst mass shooting in U.S. history is now pegged to Las Vegas. It has pushed.
Very Peculiar Links
They are points of interest, the links of recent events to Mary, for sure: An eclipse occurs on the feast.
Creation Rebels
Somehow, through the past few decades, many of us conservatives (note the verb “to conserve”) have been bamboozled into thinking.
You’d Think We’d Learn
You’d think we’d learn or, at least, take notice: the strangeness around us. But then again, many folks, including numerous in.
What To Make Of Strange Charisms?
We always have to remember that anything can go too far, and that what God bestows, the devil mimics —.
The Secret Life Of Trees
Is there a secret life when it comes to trees? Many don’t realize the extraordinary forces at work in a.
The ‘Signs’ Of Civil War
We hear so much about signs in the sky. The largest asteroid ever tracked to pass by earth in a.
Here And There In The News
Is it just our imaginations that the weather has been different? Not at all. Violent? Extremes here and there? Here.
Dark Territory?
Along the highway south of Buffalo, New York, stands a huge statue of an Indian chief with one arm and.
A Mysterious ‘Castle’
In the same vein as the arcane Georgia Monuments, upon which we’ve reported before [see here and here], is the so-called.
A Strange ‘Castle’
In the same vein as the arcane Georgia Monuments, upon which we’ve reported before [see here and here], is the so-called.
Finding Peace — And God — Amid Church Agitations
Retreat: Omaha Since the death of Saint John Paul II (the Great), the Church has lurched, sometimes dramatically, from the.
His Arms Reach Up, Even Below The Waves
The other day we took a long ride to snorkel at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park off Key Largo.
From the mailbag:
Archives: Padre Pio And A Homosexual Bishop
By Michael H. Brown An archbishop who mercilessly persecuted Saint Padre Pio, the famed Italian mystic, was the center of.
The Madonna Of I-95
In Cecil, Maryland, a mile from the exit for the town of Elkton, stands a towering statue of Mary known.
New York, New York
On a recent car ride into Manhattan to visit our son, after a splendid retreat in New Jersey, we had.
Upheaval Watch
The divide in the United States is becoming a “Great Divide,” and all should pay good heed. It isn’t just.
A Most Unpleasant But Urgent Topic
The photo above, via AP, was in the Orange County Register last week, and it is fairly horrendous. The smiling faces, at.
North Korea: Will It Attack Our Electronics?
North Korea doesn’t have to drop a bomb right onto U.S. soil to cause mayhem. For years we have been.
The Pope And The Devil
Recently, much has been made, including on this news site, of the Superior General for the Jesuits and a remark.
The Sound And Power Of Silence
Did you know that Microsoft has built a chamber at its hardware lab that’s just about perfectly silent — billed.
Smoke And Mirrors
We live in a smoke-and-mirrors era, especially when it comes to numbers. Numbers, numbers, and more numbers. It’s all you hear. It’s.
Spiritual Warfare And Ghosts
As periodically we do, it is perhaps opportune to discuss “ghosts,” “hauntings,” “spirits,” and the like — for they are.