Leading up to Good Friday, we will revisit a couple stories of seeming mystical insights or at least inspiration that.
A Patch Of Oil?
From You Tube: After hours of prayer and Christmas hymns played, a small patch of oil appeared on Our Lady’s.
Strange Stuff: A Potpourri From Cyberspace
In 2007, Michael Dick who is pictured along with his two daughters, was traveling around the UK in search.
The Spirit of Python
Almost surely you have noted the many forms in which the devil comes or at least is depicted as: There is.
Miraculous Pictures
Let’s take a gander at the mail, first from Maggie Skjerping in Arizona, who sent us the photo above as well.
Videos: Near-Death Experiences: ‘Live In The Moment’
Donations: we need and appreciate it! Jesus Christ didn’t need a near-death experience. He was in constant touch with eternity.
Let Grace Flow From His Wounds Through Yours
Lenten books It’s that time of year — as Lent winds down — that we look inward deeply and also.
Fatima Seers and the ‘Roaring Twenties’: What Does It Now Portend?
[Adapted from Where the Cross Stands] In private apparitions after the major ones, Fatima seer Jacinta Marto — soon to.
Rise Of The Religious Left
From Reuters: (Reuters) – Since President Donald Trump’s election, monthly lectures on social justice at the 600-seat Gothic chapel of.
New Weeping Statue:
From the Christian Post: According to the statue’s owner, whose name has not been mentioned in reports, Mary appeared to.
Freemason Who Converted Exposed Cult
Young Girl ‘Steals’ Pope’s Cap
From Religion News Service: Pope Francis holds his skullcap as he arrives to lead his Wednesday general audience in St..
The Art Of The Fast
New and excellent for Lent: What Jesus Saw From The Cross If you’re confused about what “fasting” means, join the.
Retreat In Toronto
We’re happy to announce a retreat in Canada for Saturday, May 20, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.: a Marian Day.
A Little Update On (Alleged) Seers
When it comes to apparitions, we think of the “first-tier” appearances of Mary, and this year especially Medjugorje, which is.
Storm Miraculously Halts Muslims From Destroying Church
From BIBLES4MIDEAST: Report: Ms. Minoo Hussain of Bibles for Mideast from Africa (March 15, 2017) A mob of Muslim extremists.
Inappropriateness And The Vatican
Demons Everywhere
Is there enhanced spiritual warfare? As we’ve reported, regularly, for seventeen years now: yes, and every annum more. In addition.
Of Rose Petals That Seem Miraculous
by Kenneth Nowell [Ken Nowell, a former businessman, lawyer, and West Virginia legislator, now resides in Vero Beach, Florida, where.
Did You Know About ‘Fire’ Stigmata?
You’ve perhaps heard about the “Flame of Love.” That’s a devotion, of course — and a powerful one, especially during.
Stations Of The Cross
Alleged Water From Statue: Nigeria
A Facebook user identified as Chidi Wazinga Ilechukwu, share photos miraculous water seen dropping from the jaw of the Divine.
Is She Weeping?
From NAIJ.Com: A shocking video clip of the statue of mother Mary weeping has surfaced on social media. After hearing.
Millennials Abandoning Faith Due To Family Break-Ups
From the Christian Post: Millennials abandoning Christianity is mostly fueled by family breakdown, says the author of a new book.
When The Supernatural (Possibly) Intermingles With The Natural
Many decades ago, newspapers in and around Remiremont, France, reported on “prints” that were found in or on hailstones —.
Italian Stigmatic: Latest Message
Message of Our Lady Queen of the Rosary Entrusted to Giulio Massa (Italian stigmatic, for discernment) Beloved children, faith must.
A Stone From Medjugorje
Mailbag: Do you see an unborn child? I just realized I could share something with you… My wife and I, with.
The Power Of Prayer
THE POWER OF PRAYER by: Mike Dial IN TIMES OF DISTRESS It was one of those bright spring.
The Last Chance To Reclaim America
There are the divisions. There are the explosive tensions. a great American divide. There’s turmoil in Washington as that city.
The Problem With Prophecy
From the Manila Times: BY RICARDO SALUDO One problem about prophecies is that most people believe them only after they.