Thank you, Mama!
From Catholic Moms Group: Thank you, Mama! Written by Dorothy Pilarski Are you tired? Christmas is a busy time. Often.
The Fifth Prophecy of Humanae Vitae
From Catholic Exchange: In his 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI prophesied four serious consequences if contraception became embraced by.
Angels And Demons: Interview With An Exorcist
+ [resources: spiritual warfare books]
New Tactics Of Evil One
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese]: “The new spiritual warfare: How demons are introducing new forms of.
How We Open ‘Portals’ To The Demonic
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: The ways we unintentionally open portals to demons and how to close them. The.
Video: A Soul From Purgatory?
True Enough
From the mail:
Forums: Spending Purgatory On Earth
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese; views are Forum’s]: Shocking stories of purification on Earth or in.
Are Extraterrestrials Compatible With Christianity
Did Our Lady Really Appear In Sky?
Discernment beat: +
Priest On Mysticism
From Signs and Wonders: +
Message Nearly Identical To One In 1991
July 25, 1991 (just before War in Bosnia-Hercegovina): “Dear Children! Today I invite you to pray for peace. At this.
Did Image Of Our Lady Really Appear In Eucharist? (Discern With Special Caution)
The Alleged Secrets Given To Two Popes By Living Seer
[resources: Michael Brown retreat: the Church, the times, Saturday, October 21, 11 a.m. EST, videotaped for those who choose to view it.
Our Lady And Babe In Cloud At New Jersey Shrine?
Snippets From Alleged Apparition
Attachment image.png added. Conversation opened. 1 unread message. Skip to content Using Gmail with screen readers Search Compose Labels.
Do Lips ‘Move’?
Starting a little over a minute, does face change in any way and lips slightly move? (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Message From Sievernich Seer Manuela Strack
A while ago we had a “Special Report” on an alleged seer from Sievernich, Germany who, despite indications of diocesan.
From the Drudge Report: Israel orders ‘complete siege’ of Gaza and ‘readies invasion’… Grief and anger as fight against militants.
Interview with an exorcist
Weeping Statues — Silenced?
From the Mystic Post:
Padre Pio’s Secret Suffering
Getting Rid Of Demonic Thoughts
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation]: How these thoughts are generated, why they appear and how to proceed so.
Kolbe’s Prediction About Evil
In Midst Of Fire, Mary’s Sign Of Hope
<blockquote class=”instagram-media” data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink=”https://www.instagram.com/p/CwH5JAzLC8n/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading” data-instgrm-version=”14″ style=” background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px;.
Fatima Seer’s Name (In Her Own Signature On Bank Check)
A Stone Resembling Mary
From the UK Sun [tabloid]: He was walking with his brother on the outskirts of his hometown of Cairo, Egypt, when.
‘Guadalupe’ Resemblance
What Is ‘Clericalism’?
“Clericalism” refers to an undue influence or emphasis on the authority of the clergy in matters of governance or in.