From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]:
How to understand the reopening of Notre Dame de Paris and the Virgin Mary in La Salette.
Welcome dear brothers!
To those who follow the work of this team daily and to those who are joining now:
Today we want to talk about the lacrimation of Our Lady of La Salette on the day of the Immaculate Conception in 2024.
Presumably crying over the distancing of men from God.
However, this warning came amid signs that God is intervening.
And He makes his enemies recognize the splendor of the achievements of Christian civilization, because at the same time as the tears, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was reopened.
And Divine Providence made it so that the famous people of the world were cited to give glory to that emblem of faith.
Here we will speak of these two mixed signs in a world that is on a path of purification. In which Our Lady is calling for conversion and weeping for many of us who will be lost, while God shows his power by bringing the powerful to their knees.

On December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the image of Our Lady of La Salette wept in the snow of La Salette in France.
And it is very important if one looks at it from a French and world perspective.
Dozens of images of the Virgin Mary cry throughout the world, but these phenomena are hidden by parish priests and bishops.
Lest someone dare to link them with the warning of some tragedy, which the Vatican has decreed is not possible, because they defined, at the desk, that the Virgin does not do that, it is false mysticism, and therefore it must be eradicated.
The Virgin appeared in La Salette on September 19, 1846, to the children Mélanie and Maximin, precisely crying for what would come to the world and the Church.
She asked for conversion because sin is destroying everything.
And she spoke of something that bothers the clergy: that many priests would go astray, and Rome would lose the faith and become the seat of the antichrist.
The cry of the Virgin of La Salette also took place on the eve of the reopening of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, five years after the fire that forced its closure.
But also in the same year in which we saw the Masonic coven at the opening and closing of the Olympic Games, full of obscene, irreverent, and satanic symbolism.
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To the point that in one of the scenes the fallen angel was brought down to earth.
And a drag-queen parody of Da Vinci’s famous “Last Supper” was performed at the opening ceremony.
In the year that the French parliament enshrined abortion in the country’s constitution.
And when President Macron is leading European efforts to hasten the start of a third world war, before Donald Trump takes office in the U.S., who has declared that he will seek peace in Ukraine with Russia.
How could Our Lady of La Salette not show that she continues to cry for what is happening in the Church and in the world?
Because the situation of the world and the Church is worse than in 1846.
However, there are also signs of hope, because God is intervening to bring good out of evil.
That Sunday, December 8, the Catholic Church announced the 71st miracle that occurred in Lourdes.
It is about the healing of John Traynor, a wounded man from the First World War who was cured after a pilgrimage to Lourdes in 1923.
And even at the inauguration of Notre Dame in Paris, we could see that God writes straight on crooked lines.
The reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral was in many ways a symbol of the antagonisms of our times, full of errors and confusion, but also of Grace and Faith.
On the night of the fire, French President Emmanuel Macron had promised that the cathedral would be rebuilt within five years.
And at dusk on December 7, 2024, the Archbishop of Paris, Laurent Ulrich, knocked three times with the staff and said: “Notre Dame, model of faith, open your doors to unite the children of God in happiness.”
And the cathedral opened its entrails, sealed since the fateful afternoon of April 2019.
And the cathedral choir responded with a hymn: “Behold, the dwelling place of God among men.”
The procession was able to enter for the religious service at the beloved shrine in Paris.
And the bells of Notre Dame filled the Parisian night with their chimes.
On the night of the fire, Macron had suggested that it would be right to add a “contemporary” element to the cathedral.
And Archbishop Ulrich has presented wild plans to redecorate the cathedral’s interior with contemporary art, a Laudato Si-friendly “discovery trail” in the side chapels, and modern pews and blue lighting.
But this was providentially vetoed thanks to the decision of the Heritage Commission, which in 2020 decided that the medieval cathedral and its 19th-century tower should be restored to their original state at the time of the fire.
It was the public commission itself that put an end to modernist aspirations and not the representatives of the Church.
However, they designed a bowl-shaped altar, which is disrespectful for a Catholic temple.
But the organ has been restored, the spire of the transept still touches the sky, while Victor Hugo’s chimeras, with their grotesque figures, continue to control the city from the top of the gallery.
The nave of Notre Dame shines with its dim medieval light.
Each stone has been carefully cleaned, and the remains of the 19th-century painted decorations have been recovered.
And the stains left by fire and centuries of dust on the rose windows and high windows were removed.
Many Catholics have complained that the ceremony should have been exclusively Catholic, rather than appearing as some kind of convention of the powerful of this world.
In fact, it was secularist and globalist Europe that inaugurated, with great pomp, the reconstruction of the cathedral.
In an attempt to give glory to the elites and politicians in their service.
Figures from international politics and the aristocracy were the shining figures: Trump, Zelensky, Prince William of England, Albert of Monaco, etcetera, while the celebrating bishops adopted truly indecorous attire, with a clown-like design and colors, which contrasted with the solemnity of the building and the liturgy.
But this reality had to bow before the achievements of Christian civilization.
Macron, the man who incited abortion to be included in the constitution and wants a world war, spoke in his speech about Saint Louis, who brought the Crown of Thorns from the East, of Louis XIII’s vow to honor the Virgin Mary if he had a son, and that his prayer was heard.
He spoke of the conversion of the poet Paul Claudel.
He spoke of the students who went to pray at the foot of Notre Dame when it was burning. He spoke of providence.
Because whether the Luciferians like it or not, Notre Dame and the rest of the cathedrals that dot Europe are places of faith, prayer, and miracles from God.
And even in exorcisms, the evil one has no choice but to speak of the glories of God.
Well, that’s all we wanted to tell you about the Virgin’s weeping at La Salette, and what will come into the world.
While God shows signs that He is already intervening, bringing the powerful to their knees before the achievements of Christian civilization.
And I would like to ask you about what specific issues you think the Virgin cried for at La Salette on December 8, 2024.
[resources: Future Events]