If you think technology brings greater freedom, perhaps you should think again. Are you now more or less tethered to electronics than, say, ten years ago? When we are tethered — attached, wired — we’re on a leash.
This is especially importance because of the onset of “5G.” Today, the networks that drive our smartphones and internet-connected devices are mostly based on 4G technology. But higher-performance fifth-generation technology and it promises (or threatens) to take us places we’ve never been before. As one report summarized it, 5G is considered key to the Internet of Things (IoT), the name given to the notion of tying just about every and any thing into the Net. Billions of sensors will be built into appliances, security systems, health monitors, door locks, cars and wearables — from smartwatches to dog collars. One analyst firm predicts that the number of networked devices will skyrocket from about five billion in 2015 to twenty-five billion in 2020.
In other words, just about everything around you will be based on those wifi and cell signals. That presents not only the danger of a mega-crash (say, a massive regional blackout or even national crash due to something like a sun flare or thermononuclear device), which would cripple everything we do, from drawing water from a tap to using credit and debit cards (and drawing cash), but also is the most likely scenario for tyranny.
That is, Artificial Intelligence control. It’s why we have a “special report” this month about it. If computers ever take over from humans, it is more likely to be through artificial intelligence functioning in the vast interwoven computer networks than robots marching up the street — though the latter, as spelled out in our chilling report, is also fully possible and in many ways more daunting. Can you think of a better place for an anti-christ than in a tacit tech takeover — an invisible electronic presence that spreads like a “virus” controlling everything from personal computers and servers to cell towers? As an alt-right blogger wrote, “A.I, expert Geordie Rose says that tech developers are summoning ‘entities’ into existence which will have the same indifference to humans as we have towards ants. They not gonna be like us, they’re gonna be aliens…they’re gonna be way smarter than every single person in this room in ways that we can’t even comprehend,” said Rose. He then mentioned Elon Musk’s concerns about artificial intelligence taking over humanity, but cautioned that the word ‘demons’ doesn’t even capture the true scope of what will happen.”
For our discernment. Prayer need. The One Who can guide us is the Holy Spirit.
No 5G network will ever approach how pervasive He is, when we pray.
[resources: new special report]