From Forums of the Virgin Mary (translated, for discernment):
The truth of things is emerging.
We are walking towards the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus passing through the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
And that is why we are going through a purification of the world.
It involves a purification of human beings and institutions.
And for this to be possible, God is lifting the veil so that we can progressively see reality better.
We make a transition by adapting to the new things that God shows us.
Therefore, here we will see how God has acted in other moments of transition in history, and how he is lifting the veil to show us the weakness of the new world order that globalists want to impose on the world.

We are entering a stage in which God is purifying the world in view of the establishment of the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus, which will come after the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The humanity that will enter the new stage will be the one that turns to God and Jesus Christ.
And in this end of time, God is trying to wake up people who are under diabolical hypnosis and prepare them to enter this transition of the world.
And to do so, He must expose the weaknesses and perversions, the abominations as expressed in Revelation 17:15; He must lift the veil.
The Bible teaches us that every time God establishes a new mode of existence for humanity, there is a transition, in which each makes a decisive choice.
You must choose individually for God to access this new mode of existence desired by God.
Adam and Eve were tested before they could benefit from God’s eternal possession.
His faithfulness to God was put to the test during the time of the transition in the Garden of Eden and we know what happened.
Then God tested the generation of Noah’s time before the Flood.
The time of transition for that generation lasted the entire time of the construction of Noah’s ark.
And only a handful entered the new post-flood world.
When the Israelites were tested in the desert before entering the promised land, they were granted a transition period of 40 years.
Only the offspring of those who were obedient to the Lord during the desert transition were able to access the promised land, but the wicked and unbelieving people were rejected.
Also the nation of Israel was tested at the time of the First Coming of the Messiah.
As we know, only a small remnant of the nation entered this New Covenant, most failed and were judged 40 years later, in AD 70 when the Romans destroyed the temple in Jerusalem.
The transition began with the mission of Jesus Christ at the age of 30 and 40 years later, AD 70 marked the end and Divine judgment fell on the Israelite nation.
And now, before the establishment of the Eucharistic Kingdom of Jesus on earth, all the inhabitants of the earth will be subjected to a test before the renewal — that is, a purification of humanity.
This period between the announcement and the realization of the new mode of existence desired by God is therefore a transition and purification like the others.
Each one must make an individual choice during the Warning and the Miracle that God will give to humanity.
But the incessant call of Our Lady in the apparitions of the last decades is that the decision for God be made now.
And it is in these terms that we must read the signs of the times.
While God is leading the people to purification and transition, He is lifting the veils that the evil one and his minions have placed over the world. [more after ad]
Since the end of World War II, Western elitists have worked tirelessly to establish “liberal democracies” around the world for a One World Government as we have already said.
And in the recent case of the resounding US failure in Afghanistan, we can see exactly that lifting of the veil.
How can it be that a collection of goat herders and opium traffickers brought down a 20-year job from the most important nation in the world and with the most technology in one week?
Not only that; they also have humiliated the New World Order powers.
With the events in Afghanistan God is telling us that Western dreams of establishing a New World Order like the one the globalists want is not possible, it is a failure.
At best what they can do is terrorize Western civilian populations into staying home through fear, with the invaluable support of the media and Big Tech.
The petty Taliban have shown that the globalists can be defeated, and that is likely to encourage other enemies of the NWO to stand up.
Therefore, it is foreseeable that instability will increase throughout the planet, which could lay the foundations for a global escalation.
But this failure has also lifted the veil on the maneuvers of the globalists to destroy the social and spiritual fabric of the world’s greatest power, the U.S., rendering it absolutely ineffective in facing large-scale dangers.
[resources: Michael Brown webinar]