Are doctors and other medical types trying to ascend even closer toward the Throne of God?
If, during this pandemic (in which deaths are starting to rise again) it gets down to hospital triage (whereby hospitals have to make decisions on who should be treated and who turned away), it would seem they are aspiring to the heights (or falling to new depths).
If so, pity the elderly. Pity those with a laundry list of health issues.
Lives will be valued differently.
And that’s cause for real concern.
We live in a new ambience of euthanasia. Last year, more than four hundred people in California were assisted by doctors and other medical types in suicide. It’s a short leap from assisted suicide to euthanasia determined by a governing board. That’s state-sponsored homicide.
We’re not there yet — in most parts of the nation, not even close. But coronavirus is no hoax. In Florida, forty hospitals ran out of ICU rooms. Some headlines just yesterday:
U.S. sets new record for infections
Second Coronavirus Death Surge Coming...
Florida biggest one-day increase since pandemic started...
RNC to restrict attendance at convention...
'We're just overwhelmed': View from inside hospitals...
Data map shows 45% of counties seeing uncontrollable spread...
People with Type A blood may have higher risk of severe symptoms...
From the Arizona Mirror (7/14/20):
“Arizona’s failure to contain COVID-19 means the state has the dubious distinction of being the first in the nation’s history to activate crisis standards of care for hospitals, according to a top administrator at the state’s largest hospital system.
“In an email to Banner Health employees on Friday, chief clinical officer Dr. Marjorie Bessel explained that, at the request of Banner and other health care systems, the Arizona Department of Health Services activated crisis standards on June 29 ‘for the first time in the state’s history and the first time any state has done this in the country.'”
“A frontline worker says Arizona hospitals are dangerously close to moving to a triage system that would determine who gets care and who gets sent home. Interventional cardiologist Dr. Amy Daliman has been treating COVID-19 patients at Banner Heart Hospital and Banner Baywood Medical Center. She says unless something drastic happens in the next few days, Arizona will reach an unprecedented crisis level.”
From Forbes (7/14/20):
“The pandemic has truly tested the worth of an older life in the United States. Germany accords equal value to every life in its constitution and has held that age is not an acceptable criterion for excluding older COVID-19 patients from life-saving treatment when resources are scarce. Germany requires triage decisions, which are intended to achieve the best and fairest allocation of resources, be based entirely on clinical considerations, including co-morbidities and clinical frailty.”
