From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]:
How they have achieved de-Christianization of the West.
We are not discovering anything that you do not already know, Christianity is being diluted in the West, which was its cradle.
Atheism, agnosticism and New Age advance.
While the Catholic Church has lost credibility with the general public due to the sexual abuse crisis.
But this is only what you see in a quick look, because if you investigate just a little more, we can see that there is a very well financed plan, supported by great powers, to remove the Christian matrix from the West.
Because it is the great obstacle to changing the morals of the world.
Then from there that trend will spread throughout the world.
Where we see it working best is in Europe, which was where the evangelization of the world started, and which today needs missionaries from the third world to go and evangelize it again.
Here we will talk about the plan to de-Christianize Europe that is under way, who is behind it, why they are carrying it out and where they want to go.

Europe was the cradle of Catholicism and much of the evangelization of the world fell on its shoulders.
European missionaries brought the faith to America, Asia, and Africa.
It was the time of the great saints, who were hungry for the Lord to be known and for the world to adopt the way of life that He came to teach.
But that was left in history, Europe is no longer Christian and the Catholic Church is in a crisis of faith, with a part of its members trying to change the teachings of the Lord.
And in a crisis of credibility, fundamentally due to the unfortunate wave of sexual abuse of priests.
As is well known, it is a wave that affects all institutions, including others, to a greater extent than within the Catholic Church, but that the media deliberately made it identify only with Catholic priests to remove credibility.
But this deterioration in the credibility of the Church and its convening power in the cradle of Christianity has not been spontaneous or the result of the rise of new philosophical currents, which have undoubtedly also acted.
There is a very clear plan for those who want to see it, which is not a conspiracy theory, but simply emerges from the mere description of the facts.
The enemy has developed a very consistent strategy to de-Christianize the cradle of Catholicism.
In order to neutralize the biggest opponent they potentially had to change the religious matrix of the entire world.
This same plan works in the US with some variations, but here we will focus on the European reality, which is similar to the US in many ways.
First came the attack through the media, which little by little were labeling the Christian arguments, about anything that was talked about, as merely fanciful and fanatical, promoting other alternative explanations.
With this they removed the Christian explanations about the world, the human being, life, good and evil.
Second, they deliberately promoted feminism, contraception and termination of pregnancy and other sterile sexualities, financing them, as a way to dismantle the family.
And thus cause a sharp decline in the birth rate , which would economically paralyze society.
What would make it possible to argue the need for migration from the third world to supplant the workforce that was scarce among Europeans.
Instead of trying to strengthen the family so that it would bear more children, they decided to do the opposite, so that they could bring in non-Christians from outside and weaken the nations.
Because without the family there is no nation and there is no orderly and peaceful civilization.
Organized migrations were thus produced whose covert objective was to change the religious and cultural matrix of the continent and leave it without an identity, provoking a vicious circle of more questioning of Christianity.
The main strategy has been to bring Muslims to Europe from Africa and the Middle East.
This has created new social conflicts, because it is clear that immigrants have not assimilated, many countries of the European Union have admitted that.
To the point that entire Muslim neighborhoods have been created, studies say that more than 900 throughout the European Union.
There many of the immigrants live on the generosity of European welfare with subsidies.
Police, social workers and ambulances do not enter these areas or must be protected when they do.
Gangs and organized crime rule the streets.
Butcher shops are halal only, coeducational hairdressing disappears, Islamic bookstores proliferate, Jews leave for their safety, churches often become mosques, and women are pressured to abide by Sharia law.
In the West we are used to seeing women everywhere, but in certain parts, for example Brussels, London, Paris, Stockholm, suddenly only men are visible, while women disappear from public spaces.
Because Muslim women have fewer rights than men, and feminists, who in each of their demonstrations end up chanting slogans against the Catholic Church and defacing churches, do not dare to speak about the lives of women in those enclaves.
The high birth rates of Muslim immigrants guarantee demographic expansion, and all the inhabitants of the enclaves de facto respect the Islamic sharia, as in a parallel state, which is also protected by the international Islamic lobby.
The one that managed to get the United Nations to designate March 15 as “international day to combat Islamophobia”, because on March 15, 2019, an armed Australian entered two mosques in New Zealand and 51 Muslims were sadly killed.
However, the most persecuted religion in the world, by far, is Christianity according to international monitoring, and it is precisely more so in Muslim countries.
And the UN has never decreed a day against Christianophobia.
The UN has also worked hard to bring Muslims to Europe through what it calls “replacement migration.”
To replace the Europeans who are not born, due to the anti-natalist policies that they themselves have carried out.
German Cardinal Gerhard Müller said in 2017 that the situation in Europe is dramatic because “all the elements of faith and popular piety have collapsed.”
But he added that it was due to a “forced de-Christianization process, beyond simple secularization, much beyond.”
Here you can see the video that youtube censored us:
And in 2016 Wikileaks leaked documents from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation to finance European change.
They would finance projects for these topics:
Moral and spiritual reengineering eliminating objective natural morality.
Supplant religions with the vague humanitarianism of political correctness and the spirituality that all religions are the same.
Replacement of native Europeans, reducing their birth rate.
Dissolution of national identities from immigration and the creation of multicultural, conflictive societies, under the tutelage of a planetary government.
Disappearance of borders because they are an obstacle to a global society.
Strengthening of supranational organizations such as the UN, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Union, which are the initial matrix of the world government.
And Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban revealed Soros’ concrete four-point plan in 2017, for the demographic replacement of Europeans through mass migration of mainly Muslim populations.
The first point of the plan is that every year hundreds of thousands of migrants – and, if possible, a million – must be brought to the territory of the European Union from the Muslim world.
The second point is that upon arrival each of these migrants must receive an amount in euros equivalent to four and a half million Hungarian forints, or 14 thousand Euros.
The third point in the Soros plan is that the migrants arriving on the continent will have to be distributed among the countries of Europe as part of a mandatory and permanent mechanism.
And the fourth point is that a European immigration agency must be created to take all the decision-making powers related to migration issues outside the nation states and hand them over to the UN in Brussels.
And so Orban laid out a two-step strategy to counter this diabolical plan.
The first step in the fight against demographic substitution is the construction of “a family environment for the creation and growth of families.”
And the second step is to secure the sovereignty of European countries against the European Union, and then use this sovereignty to close the borders to migration.
This is the conflict that Hungary has with the European Union.
But unfortunately the Vatican policy has been to support migration, when it is clear that they are behind a plan designed and orchestrated by large amounts of funding to sterilize Europe from Christianity.
The Vatican has used the emotional argument to support the migrants, but has not even taken into account the sinister plan behind it.
The only explanation that can be found is that for progressives and modernists religions are basically similar and interchangeable, and that they think religions are meant to come together after all.