From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated, for discernment solely]:
Prophetic visions about where and among whom the Third World War would take place.
Is a major war looming? Where will it begin? Who will be the contenders? What role will Christian nations play?
Analysts say we are sitting on a powder keg and the spark could come from anywhere.
And in Brazil there is a privileged witness.
This is a nun from the Northeast whose visions and messages–alleged (very alleged)–we at Forums in Peru have been reporting on.
She has had visions and locutions about that great war: Those who announced its proximity, how it would begin, and where the main stage would be:
The entire planet is in turmoil at this possibility.
And we must pray fervently and make sacrifices so that this does not happen, because we know that prophecies are conditional.
But we must also be attentive also to the signs of the times, as the Lord asked us, in order to be prepared.
Here we will tell you about the visions and locutions that the northeastern nun had about a possible third World War, where it would start, who the contenders would be, and with whom the Christian nations would align themselves.

In 2019, while the northeastern nun was in worship, she began to shake violently, as if in an earthquake.
She felt that the phenomenon was spiritual and asked the Lord what it meant.
And she heard in response: “My daughter, humanity is as if in a convulsion. Pray and repent, because the pain will be great, when this attack reaches its peak.”
She understood that the sins of humanity are increasing, and if there is no conversion, they will result in Divine punishment.
And a few months later she saw several lights falling from the sky. They looked like bombs.
Then she saw several cities, one after another, left without power, in darkness.
And on November 3, 2023, she had a vision in which she was alone on a paved road in the middle of the countryside, and at a point between the border of two countries.
And on the horizon she saw fighter planes approaching, while the people in the field did not realize what was happening.
She began to pray fervently for the planes to stop: “Lord, please don’t let it happen… Lord, please don’t let it happen…”
And she saw them in the distance firing intensely at the country behind them.
She was shown the destruction caused by the attack, deaths, fire and smoke.
She fell to his knees and cried for a long time.
And then she heard a voice saying, “This is how it all begins.”
It seems that she was shown the beginning of an open war.
And three days later, while she was in worship, she saw a large room full of soldiers.
There was a high-ranking military man giving instructions on how to carry out an invasion.
And more and more soldiers with appearances of different nationalities entered the room.
It seems then that at least one of the contenders would be an association of nations.
And three months later she had a dream in which his guardian angel told her a phrase.
And as she listened to it she had a vision of what was being narrated: a Russian soldier looking at the horizon will see a great cloud and will cry for the great evil that his country has done to the world.
She was therefore informed that Russia would be a contender in the war.
Currently, geopolitical analysts say that there are three main hotspots that could be the main stage where the epicenter of World War III is: in the Ukraine area, in the Israel area and in the Taiwan area.
And only one of these scenarios has Russia as a main actor: Ukraine.
But the spark that starts the war could be anything.
Although on August 8, 2023 Our Lord spoke to the northeastern nun in an interior locution.
He told her that conflicts will increase, starting in October.
He added that a dangerous device will explode in the City of the Sun, Poland.
And this will lead other nations to go to war.
Some, because they will be beaten and others to fight for their allies.
She was told that it would be the third great war, but not all nations would enter it.
Those who do not enter will support the others through prayer. They will be, for the most part, very Catholic nations.
Therefore the Catholic nations will align themselves with one side according to the visions that the nun had.
And when asked how long it would last, she was told that it would last a few years, but would come to an end through the mediation of Japan, which, through a heroic act, would end World War III.
So we already have two nations identified: Russia and Poland.
And if Russia ends up winning the war in Ukraine, as everything indicates, then it would begin to have a significant border with NATO members: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania.
Of these, only Poland is openly belligerent with Russia and has announced that it is willing to accept nuclear weapons on its territory.
So the visions of the northeastern nun coincide with the geopolitical analysis.
Poland could be Russia’s next target.
On October 9, 2023, the nun received an internal message that read: “An army will march against Warsaw. All of Poland will be surrounded and besieged.”
On Christmas Eve 2023, after communion, she had a vision of two soldiers on the ground.
One was injured and the other was trying to drag him to save his life.
And next to them was a large flag of Poland.
On January 4, 2024, as she asked the Lord why the revelations about Poland, she heard the answer: “Because Poland, my daughter, I have entrusted to you, and your prayers and small sacrifices are delaying the punishment destined for her.
A sign will be given to you in the night, when this sign comes to you, you will know that everything has begun.”
And on January 23, the nun had a dream in which she saw a large square.
There was a monument there that looked like a lion, although it was not clearly visible.
On all four sides of the monument were large Polish flags.
The square was hosting an event and was packed with people. Some were holding the country’s flags.
Then the sound of multiple gunshots was heard into the crowd.
She saw many fall dead and wounded to the ground, while others fled.
Is this a sign that Russia’s action against Poland has already begun, even if it is not yet publicly visible?
Earlier, at the end of 2019, the nun had had a vision of a tall tower, the pinnacle of which ended in a globe.
And a white eagle moved around, looking for a place to land, but in vain.
Everything around her was destroyed and on fire.
And a male voice told her, “Soon the eagle will look for a place to land, but it will not find it.”
And the bird descended to a part of the ground where a little girl had fallen into the rubble.
With his beak, he touched her hair, but the girl was lifeless, and the eagle became sad and cried.
The white eagle is a symbol of Poland.
And this vision would mean that there would be great destruction in Poland due to the war .
And in October 2023 the nun had a vision of a white eagle looking at the Polish Presidential Palace.
And on that occasion she was also shown St. Peter’s Basilica and a great fire, which could not be seen where it was happening.
What does Poland have to do with the Vatican?
Firstly, the vision could be explained because the Catholic nations would align themselves with Poland.
And secondly, perhaps Russia will attack the Vatican for this.
Well, this is the story of the visions that the northeastern nun received about a third world war and her analysis.
And I would like to ask you if you think that the great war will happen or that the prayers and sacrifices of the people will be able to make it ineffective or at least reduce its lethality, or not.