From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese]:
The voice of the souls in Purgatory warning a woman about the tumor and guiding her towards the doctors and surgery.
We know from numerous testimonies that the souls in purgatory act on earth more frequently than we imagine.
And they do it because they are already imbued with the love of God, preparing for Heaven, and they want to help us.
And because they have a great need to get out of there to Heaven and they need our help.
Here we will tell you about a unique case of supposed souls in purgatory alerting a woman about an illness without symptoms, and how they guided her to seek a cure, speaking to her with voices in her head.

The visionary Maria Simma says that the presence of souls in purgatory on earth is much more frequent than we imagine. [For your discernment]
God uses them to do good on earth.
And many things that appear to be interventions by angels are interventions by purging souls.
They manifest by helping their loved ones and those who pray the most, hoping to get their prayers.
They also appear to friends who were very close as children, for example.
And they manifest themselves to people they had not met in life, even to people who held a grudge against them in their hearts.
So, even if we don’t ask for favors, suddenly some of them have helped us avoid dangers and accidents in the past.
And they also respond when we ask them and we promise to pay them back with prayers and masses.
María Simma tells the story of a boy who woke up one night to hear a voice telling him to “go to the barn.” [scroll for more:]
The third time he obeyed and saw a stranger who was taking two of the piglets.
And then he realized that the alert had been from his dead father.
He recounts another case of a young man who was looking for a good and holy wife, and visited a girl from time to time.
And every time he went to her house, a man told him, “Don’t go there, you won’t be happy with her.”
The third time he heard it, he stopped and took a closer look at this man, and it was his own father who had died several years before.
Simma also recounts that the purging souls told her that they helped put out the fire at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and helped shorten the Gulf War because there were many people who were praying.
And here we want to tell about an impressive statement told by the psychiatrist Ikechukwu Obialo Azuonye from London, who treated a very strange case and made it public for the scientific community.
He does not say that it was an intervention of the souls in purgatory, but it has every appearance of being so.
A previously healthy woman began hearing hallucinatory voices telling her to have a brain scan to detect a tumor.
The prediction came true, she underwent surgery, and made an uneventful recovery.
The woman, who is referred to as AB, was born in continental Europe in the mid-1940s and settled in Britain in the late 1960s.
After a series of jobs, she married, raised a family, and became a full-time stay-at-home mom.
She rarely went to her GP, as she was in good health and had never received any hospital treatment, and her children were also in good health.
In the winter of 1984, while at home reading, she heard a different voice inside his head.
The voice told her “Please don’t be afraid. I know it must be shocking for you to hear us talk to you like this, but this is the easiest way I came up with. My friend and I used to work at the Children’s Hospital, Great Ormond Street, and we would like to help you.’
AB had heard of Children’s Hospital, but did not know where it was and had never visited.
And her children were fine, so she didn’t have to worry about them.
But this was frightening to her, and the voice intervened again and said, “To help you see that we are sincere, we would like you to verify the following,” and the voice gave her three separate pieces of information, which she did not have at the time, which were checked and proved true.
However, this did not help, because she had come to the conclusion that she had “gone crazy”.
In a state of panic, AB went to see her doctor, who urgently referred her to the psychiatrist, who was the one who recounted this case.
The psychiatrist diagnosed her with a functional hallucinatory psychosis, and treated her with thioridazine.
Much to her relief, the voices inside her head disappeared after a couple of weeks of treatment, and the woman went on vacation.
While I was abroad and still taking the thioridazine, the voices returned.
They told her that they wanted her to return to England immediately, as there was something wrong with her that required immediate treatment, a tumor.
Because the voices had told her things in the past, AB believed them when they said she had a tumor.
She returned to London and the voices had given her an address; it was the CT department of a large London hospital.
When she got there, the voices told her to go in and ask for a brain scan for two reasons: she had a brain tumor and her brain stem was swollen.
And she turned again to the psychiatrist, who requested a brain scan to reassure her, explaining in his note that the hallucinatory voices had told him she had a brain tumor, but that he personally had not found any physical signs to suggest a space-occupying lesion, and that the purpose of the examination was essentially to reassure the patient.
The request was initially rejected by the health system, on the grounds that there was no clinical justification for such expensive research.
Finally, after negotiations, the scan was done in April.
The initial findings led to a rescan, with enhancement, in May, which revealed a mass with all the appearances of a meningioma, a primary tumor of the central nervous system.
A neurosurgeon noted the absence of headache or other neurologic deficits associated with this mass but suggested immediate operation, rather than waiting for symptoms to appear.
It was agreed to proceed with an immediate operation and the voices told AB that they fully agreed with that decision.
The operation was performed in May 1984 and uncovered a meningioma of approximately 2.5 centimeters, which was completely removed.
When she regained consciousness after the operation, the voices told her, “We are glad we helped you. Bye-bye.”
The patient had no postoperative complications.
And immediately after the operation the antipsychotic medication was discontinued, and the hallucinatory voices and previous delusions did not return.
Twelve years after the operation, AB phoned the psychiatrist for Christmas and told him that she had been completely fine.
And the psychiatrist informed his colleagues that this was a unique case, because he found hallucinatory voices that tried to reassure the patient about his genuine interest in her well-being, offered a specific diagnosis when there were no clinical signs that would have alerted anyone to the tumor. They directed her to the type of hospital best equipped to treat her problem, expressed their satisfaction that she had finally received the treatment they wanted for her, said goodbye to her, and then disappeared.
So far what we wanted to talk about, about the probable manifestation of souls in Purgatory to heal a woman from a tumor, within the framework of interventions that are more common than is thought, according to María Simma.
And I would like to ask you if you think it was souls from Purgatory that intervened, angels, or voices from their own subconscious.