From Quora [unedited]:
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Great questions… last one first… it is good for your health. A colleague of mine attended a conference for medical professionals not long ago… he came back and shared his three take aways…
- 80% of your daily physical activity should be walking…
- Drink plenty of water…
- And get enough sleep every night, suggestion is for 8 hours as a minimum,
A major Life Insurance company conducted a health study about 10 years ago. Results…those of us who walk a minimum of 4,000 steps per day, will live a much healthier and longer life. Walking as few as 6,000 steps per day, will keep you fit and healthy, and add up to 5 years to your life. The insurance company believed in that research so strongly that they give clients a free fit-bit, and when the data proves hat you meet the daily step count, your premiums go down. Albeit, participating means someone is tracking your every step 😆 pun intended.
Wearing out joints? Have you heard that sitting is the new smoking? The alternative to walking is sitting, doing nothing. Let me share a personal story.
Up until 2021 i purposely walked 11 – 15,000 steps per day. That was on top of what ever I walked through my typical work day. Walking meant i hydrated continuously, i slept soundly almost every night. Stress was not an issue in my life, I did not take any meds of any kind, perfect sugar, good BP, cholesterol normal. I could climb steep hills along side any thrity year old. That all changed in 2021, I had a car accident, sprained all of my ribs along my sternum, seat belt injury. Basic activities like sitting down, getting up, going to bed caused serious pain. Walking more than I had to was out of the question. My mobility was reduced significantly for about a six week period. During those six weeks I barely, if ever walked 1500 steps. I sat most of my day because it hurt so much to get out of a chair. My water intake dropped, my sleep was disrupted. It has been a three year battle, every prior joint injury has flared up, when I get one thing managable, then my body cycles through another, and that repeats in a never ending cycle. Particularly a hip injury from 13 years ago.
After healing from the accident, I forced myself to walk, but havent been able to get back to previous step count. I average about 3,000 steps daily now, occasionally I get in 10 – 12,000 steps. Finally three years later i complained about this to my doctor. Off to get an X-ray. Bad news, bone on bone, now waiting for hip surgery.
What happened?
Sitting to much, combined with reduced water intake causes the sinu between muscles to dry and tighten up. This pulls your joints tighter together, wearing on the soft tissue until it’s gone. Not getting a good night’s sleep for three years meant by body did not regenerate at the same rate it used to. All in all, sitting has caused more issues than most people get from smoking daily.
Other benefits of walking… maintains good balance, helps keep blood sugar stable, helps control chesterol and blood pressure, keeps you hydrating, keeps your mind clear, better equipped to fight stress, anxiety and depression. Walking gives you time with a friend or an opportunity to listen to something positive and encouraging (if you so choose).
Walking those 3–4 miles every day has served you well, and will continue to for the rest of your days, which may be about five+ years longer than average. Don’t stop!