“This picture was taken at a Quincenera Mass on Saturday, June 22, at St. Philip the Apostle in Franklin, Tennessee.+
“Though there is a skylight above the altar, the priest said he never experienced the sun coming in as it did that day, even though he has said Mass at that time many times before. He said he couldn’t see anything but light as he said the prayers and couldn’t see the people. You can see that he was so illuminated. It took place during the Consecration and one of our parishioners snapped the picture. The priest is Father Louis Rojas. It almost looks like a transfiguration to me.”+
Susan Skinner
We recently had an article on the Great Pyramids of Egypt and the question: why aren’t those great (if pagan) structures mentioned anywhere in Scripture?
That’s not to say all such buildings are excluded.
For as reader Virginia Jakubajtys points out, “1 Maccabees 13:28 – 30, referring to a construct that Simon built over Jonathan’s tomb, mentions pyramids: ‘He set up seven pyramids facing one another for his father and his mother and his four brothers. For the pyramids he devised a setting of big columns, on which he carved suits of armor as a personal memorial, and next to the armor he placed carved ships, which could be seen by all who sailed the sea. This tomb which he built at Modein is there to the present day. The word pyramids is used in the translation of the Bible, even in the Douay-Rheims. It is described as something that can be ‘seen at a distance.'”
Writes viewer Elizabeth Gudino, “I would like to share what happened to me on October 31, 2023.
“It was Trunk or Treat at my son’s school, (they don’t celebrate Halloween; the students dress up as Catholic saints) at Saint Therese Carmelite School in Alhambra, California.
“I was wearing my blessed necklace, with other religious medals from Medjugorje. I visited Medjugorje in June/July 2019 and was present at the apparition with Mirjana on July 2, 2019. I purchased various religious medals in Medjugorje, had them blessed, and took them to the apparition to be blessed by Our Lady of Medjugorje.
“One religious medal was a red heart, with an image of our Blessed Mother.
“I put the necklace and medals inside my blouse all day, until we came home at 3 p.m. Then I took it off and placed it on my home altar with my Catholic spiritual warfare bible and blessed objects.
“At 7:15 p.m. I went to Confession at Saint Andrew Church in Pasadena. I forgot to put on my medals and ran out of the apartment. They were having Spanish Mass for All Saints Day eve.
“I was very tired and I got home around 8:45 p.m., and when I took my blouse off, something fell to the floor. The red heart medal fell to the floor, and made such a loud sound that it startled me. I picked it up and it was no longer red, like when I wore it in the morning…. It was now gold!!!
“And I looked at the chain on my altar… it was intact. It was not broken.
“How could have that medal just be on my body without being attached to the necklace??
“Wow, what a beautiful sign from Our Blessed Mother…Praise God. I was having a very difficult time at work, for many years, and in October 2023 I was relocated to a different department with a wonderful new group of people! God heard my prayers and granted my wishes…Praise God and Our Blessed Mother! I recreated the photo on the top (red heart), but the bottom image is the real medal turned gold color!”
[resources: Spirit Daily pilgrimage to Medjugorje and Michael H. Brown online retreat, July 13]