“Good morning: I was there – it was decidedly NOT what was reported.+
I have been at many of the Marches for life since I have lived in the Washington D.C. area (1990). The gathering yesterday was an order of magnitude larger. I have never seen so many people in one place. They were uniformly peaceful. I saw many signs for Jesus. There was preaching going on in a number of parts of the march. There were numerous national groups of people who have sought refuge in the United States from places taken over by socialist governments (South Vietnam, China, former Soviet Republics.)
The violence was not started by anyone I saw associated with the pro-democracy/stop-the-steal movement.
At this video you can see the protesters being escorted into the Congress by the Capitol Hill Police – this would not happen without being given direction by a member of the leadership of the House of Representatives.
This was not an insurrection. I hate to say that the media is purposely misreporting the facts in order to support a chosen narrative but there are few good sources of facts for the average viewer/reader.
It is clear that the provocateurs were organized and disguised in order to infiltrate the peaceful protesters. This is shameful on the part of the professional politicians and bureaucrats here in D.C.” — John Stinson, Alexandria, Virginia