From the Mail:
Happy to say that wife is back home, tested negative for covid, successful surgery for her lung, and recovering well at home. Thanks again for all the prayers.
For those who doubt the efficacy of prayers, specially prayers to Our Blessed Mother, attached are pictures of:
1.) An orange citrus tree given to us last year but died and withered during the winter months,
2.) I placed on it a picture of Our Blessed Mother before our missionary trip to the Philippines and prayed.
3.) Upon return from the Philippines I was going to throw away the dead tree but found it very much alive. (I placed another picture of our Blessed Mother on the same spot as before for reference.)
If it works on trees, what more on people.
Note: You can verify the dates when these pictures were taken by pointing to the picture and right click your mouse. Scroll down to Properties. A dialog box will open. Click the Details tab. Information will show date and time the picture was taken and other information.
In God’s Divine Will,
Mike – from Sacramento