A couple of items from the mailbag, pertaining to Guadalupe and the miraculous image that appeared on December 12, 1531.
Meanwhile, reader Vicki Zolenski takes issue with those who believe the original image of Guadalupe [see story] had no stars nor angel nor other images, said to have been added later by painters.
“I disagree with the writer’s conclusion that the original image was devoid of the stars, rays, angel, and flowers on the dress!” wrote Vicki. “These are the symbolic language of Heaven that converted the native people. Why would God leave the image of Our Lady so unadorned and forlorn looking?
“These images are taken from the online booklet: The True and Extraordinary Face of the Virgin of Guadalupe. You may read the entire contents here.
“The writer of this booklet asserts that the image of Guadalupe has been ‘touched up’ over time. I would not have believed that anyone would paint over a miraculous image, but the evidence does suggest otherwise. This writer also believes the image was unadorned… I absolutely do not agree.
“I also see a significant difference between the 1918 and 1923 photographs.
“Here are two of the earliest photos we have of the image:
“Our Lady’s face in the 1918 photo exudes such a tenderness, and even the hint of a smile that seems missing in the 1923 photo and beyond.
“In the 1918 photo you can almost see her looking at him tenderly and saying ‘Am I not here who am Your Mother?’
“Mexico was undergoing the revolt against Christians during the 1920s… perhaps this has something to do with the changes in the image?”
[SD note: or is it simply diffferent angles?]
Here is the top portion of the 1918 photograph again, a bit larger. (This is not a high resolution image which is why the booklet focuses on the 1923 image where she gives us a much more serious expression.)
+Laudetur Jesus Christus et Ave Maria Regina Mundi Vicotiosa+
Thanks Vicki!