May the luminous presence of Our Lady of Lourdes fill our hearts!
I just wanted to send you a little note to tell you that we are at the Sanctuary of Lourdes in our Mission of service. I saw the news of the evacuation because of the flooding and Just wanted to let you know that it took place on Saturday morning, but in the afternoon, after much intercession, the river went amazingly back to its course, and on Saturday evening we had the grotto opened and the candlelight procession took place. Just to give you an update. Thanks to the Lord it has not rained since then, the Nativity of our Lady was filled with pilgrims, a long and joyfilled procession in her honor, and the grotto and pools are full of pilgrims and sick persons.
In my prayers….
May love always triumph!
Mother Adela, SCTJM (Miami)