From the Mail:
I know you run pieces from time to time documenting calamities and how blessed objects and sites are inexplicably spared. On May 20th a massive tornado hit the northern Michigan town of Gaylord (a first). It was estimated that it stayed in the area for a whopping 26 minutes before moving on.
Gaylord is the diocesan seat for the Diocese of Gaylord. I live in the area and toured the aftermath.
The Cathedral in Gaylord was spared but what was ironic, the next block had serious tree and home damage. The distance between the Cathedral and these homes is measured in feet, not yards.
Also, the St. Mary Cathedral K-12 school a few blocks away was spared but only a half a block away there was massive home damage. One home was spun off its foundation and sits in its yard. Fortunately, the school principal let the students go home about 40 minutes before the tornado hit.
I’ve attached a photo of an 87-year-old parishioner’s home which was blown in two. I do not have permission to use her name but she was sitting inside her home reciting her Rosary when her son next door phoned her and told her to take cover in the basement immediately. She replied, “I have to finish my Rosary first.” She was totally unharmed while the roof above her second-story home was severed off and demolished.
Our God’s mercy extends to those who seek Him.
Thank you,
Jeff Crane
[Thank YOU, Jeff!]