Good Day:
Appearance of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ on a stone :
When I was 14 years old I had a dream. There was a big crowd. Looks like they were waiting for someone. They were happy in the dream. My little brother was also with me, but those people left after dark.”
I had certainty in the dream that these people were waiting for the Virgin Mary. Yes, I felt it.
Then I saw someone tapping my right shoulder, so I turned around to see who it was. It was the Virgin Mary who was smiling, then she put something in my hand like a stone and said: It is yours, Ahmed, it is yours.
Light was radiating around her. I have never seen such light before. There were angels around. The moon had a beautiful light, not as we see it in our lives.
Two years after the dream, my brother and I were walking on a road in Cairo. It was August 1996. That day we took a different route to get home quickly.
My brother and I were running. Suddenly my feet stumbled and fell on the sandy ground. I picked up a stone automatically from the ground and looked at it I saw a bright light from the stone then I looked at the stone I saw a woman who looked pregnant I saw a woman’s face in the stone there are eyebrows and there are eyes there is a nose I swear I quickly recognized her she is the Virgin Mary I put the stone in my pocket. Then my little brother and I went home, but my mother scolded us for being late. Then I put the stone on the table and my mother saw the stone and looked at it and said that it was the Virgin Mary and that Christ was in her womb. There is also a tree trunk in the stone. There are many details in the stone, and everyone who saw the stone said that it was the Virgin Mary
stone dimensions
Height: 27.57 mm
Width: 17.64 mm
Depth: 12.45 mm
Weight: 5.3 grams
name : Ahmed El Hussieny
country: Egypt, Cairo. El Salam City
postal code :11788