From the Sanctuary’s website [translated]:
The history of the Sanctuary
The Lord never fails to amaze us with the interventions of his Mercy!
The Shrine bears witness to this particular experience of Grace.
The spiritual events that took place here began in the year 2000 and are linked to the particular experience of faith and prayer of a parishioner, a teacher, married and father of two daughters. In an ever clearer and more continuous way he perceives an “interior voice,” which guides him in moments of personal prayer and gives him precise instructions to report to his confessor and, subsequently, to the authority of the Church.
In particular, he perceives, through “intellectual visions,” a living Presence of the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, which revealed itself to us men in the Word made flesh, the Lord Jesus, and continually gives itself in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, for the good of the Church and the peace of the whole world.
Since 2005, the “Inner Voice” has asked that prayer also involve other people, through Novenas of adoration and supplication experienced in the evening hours, in the parish church and under the guidance of the parish priests. A varied number of people, also from other neighboring parishes, participate in these prolonged moments of public prayer, and he lives very intense experiences of “encounter” with God, Trinity Infinite Mercy.
In this context, in the period October 2009 – June 2010, particular phenomena related to the church altar also occurred : the presence of signs of water (scientific analyses have excluded other agents), which “oozes” from the altar itself and leaves traces and stains on the front and left side surface (on the side of the Crucifix) of the altar (a single block of dark serpentine from Val Malenco).
In the meantime, at the express request of the diocesan Bishop, he began to write down in detail the events he experienced during moments of prayer, in the form of “ intellectual visions ” or appeals addressed by God to his Church, for the sanctification of priests, for the conversion of the faithful, for the peace of all peoples. These texts are written in notebooks, sometimes weeks or months after the moment in which the events described were experienced. There are never deletions, repetitions or contradictions in the various writings, which are not reread by their editor.
The diocesan Bishop , Msgr. Diego Coletti , always directly informed of the events, established in April 2010 a Diocesan Study Commission , composed of six priests with different academic and pastoral skills, charged with reading and evaluating the texts indicated above and the events reported by the various witnesses, in particular by the parish priest and other priests present at the evening prayers. From the work carried out so far by the Commission it emerges that the texts are responsive to the dictates of Catholic faith and morality and extraordinarily profound in terms of density of doctrine, pastoral perspective, high spiritual profile.
Precisely to guarantee the seriousness of the experience lived (now concluded in its “public” phase with October 2010) the Bishop , with the unanimous opinion of his Episcopal Council and the Diocesan Commission, decides, starting from the first Sunday of Advent ( November 28, 2010 ), to recognize the parish church of Maccio, where most of these events took place, the title of “Diocesan Sanctuary” , dedicating it to the “Holy Trinity of Mercy” and simultaneously informing the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for the necessary in-depth studies and appropriate doctrinal verifications. At the same time he approves and allows the use of particular prayers born in this context and summarized in the “Supplication to the Holy Trinity of Mercy”.
Maccio, May 2011