From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]:
The ways we unintentionally open portals to demons and how to close them.
The psychological and the spiritual are intertwined, in the good and the bad.
Their interrelation can create a virtuous circle or a vicious circle.
The vicious cycle happens when we let demons use our wounds as portals to enter and torture our lives relentlessly.
Sometimes these wounds have been a consequence of the circumstances of our lives, and sometimes they are wounds that we inflict on ourselves by making bad decisions.
Here we will talk about how demonic portals open in us, due to poor management of things that happen to us and bad decisions we make, and what are the ways in which we can close those demonic portals in us.

Let’s look at two cases. Kate suffers from depression and anxiety.
She was abused as a child and is struggling with the trauma as an adult.
She has crises of hopelessness and trust in others, is emotionally isolated and suffers from self-hatred.
It registers periods of especially intense depression and attacks with extreme suicidal tendencies, which arise without an apparent immediate cause.
But these crises decrease significantly when you pray with her.
Are they psychological attacks or are they the work of demons?
In these cases it is easy to fall to extremes in discernment.
One extreme is to believe that the problems are totally spiritual and not consider anything psychological.
And the other extreme is to reduce everything to the psychological and not admit the possibility of direct demonic influence.
According to the experience of exorcist and psychologist Father Stephen Rossetti and his team at the San Miguel Center for Spiritual Renewal, the psychological and the spiritual are absolutely intertwined.
Because satan takes advantage of our wounds.
He uses people’s wounds as portals to enter and torture their lives.
If the person struggles with depression, he will do everything possible to exaggerate the depressions, filling the person’s mind with depressive thoughts, hopelessness, despair and even suicidal tendencies.
If fear is our weakness, then it will exaggerate our fears and tempt us to be afraid of it and not trust God.
And if we have been abused, the evil one will fill our minds with feelings of worthlessness, self-hatred, and isolation.
Now, in a specific case, how do we know if it is Satan or if the problems are strictly psychological?
One place to look is the severity and onset of the attacks.
First, Satan exaggerates our weaknesses and what should have been a normal depressive episode is exaggerated into an unmanageable crisis, such as strong suicidal ideations.
Second, demonic attacks often occur suddenly and without the usual psychological triggers.
And third, when prayers of deliverance are said during a satanic attack, the crisis often subsides quickly, becoming a more manageable and typical problem.
Many cases of demonic affliction involve this combination of underlying psychological wounds and a demonic presence that exploits these wounds.
And therefore complete spiritual liberation cannot happen unless the psychic wounds are sufficiently healed and the portal is closed.
In the case we are recounting, Satan is using Kate’s past psychological wounds as a portal.
So Kate’s health difficulties are both psychological and spiritual.
And therefore a joint treatment of psychotherapy and prayers of liberation became necessary.
And what happened to the treatment?
After months of such treatment, Kate can now discern when she is suffering from a typical mood problem as a result of her abusive past, or when she is being directly attacked by the evil one.
Whenever you suffer from difficult but normal psychological moods, you should follow a series of measures, such as connecting with your psychotherapist, communicating with friends and family, and engaging in social activities.
But when the problem includes a satanic attack, she must also turn to spiritual means, such as deliverance prayers, connecting with her spiritual director, and praying incessantly, especially the rosary.
The current result, according to Rossetti, is that Kate is working hard on both levels and has made considerable progress.
His debilitating fear has greatly diminished and he is reconnecting with friends.
You can go to mass every day and receive communion.
And now he has a new feeling of hope.
But we also find cases in which the wounds are self-inflicted, as in this case, in which portals to the devil are opened through consultation with witches, healers, shamans.
And then the consequences are paid.
There are many people who seek healing through witchcraft and occult rituals, with good intentions.
There are many witches, healers and shamans who promise healing magic.
And those who come often report an initial feeling of relief after these magical rituals, but then the problems get much worse.
A patient at Centro San Miguel was involved with witchcraft and divination during the pandemic, and then suffered the consequences.
A witch performed a “healing ritual” on him and he has been experiencing what appears to be demonic oppression ever since.
He stated that he began to notice that something was moving up and down his body and weighing him down, and that it made it difficult for him to walk and move correctly.
He had had many medical check-ups and a psychiatric evaluation but everything was normal.
But when he prayed, the shaking and shaking were intense.
Going to church was hard and still is a little bit.
Because that thing began to shake violently and hit him from the inside when he entered a church.
Not to mention the aversion and repulsion he felt, especially when approaching a Tabernacle.
His heart was starting to beat so fast he felt like he was going to have a heart attack.
But some very significant things also happened.
He expelled a black thread from his intestines. The thread came out completely clean, as if a knot had been untied.
He appeared scratched quite frequently.
And it was difficult for him to pray, because every time he did, all hell broke loose in his room: loud bangs, creaking and other noises.
And he often smelled burning coal inside his throat , as if it came directly from his lungs, and he did not smoke.
All of these things that happened to him are typical of a demonic presence.
The strong aversion to the sacred, church, prayer, tabernacle, is the result of his forays into the occult.
Because demons react strongly and negatively to anything holy.
Additionally, physical manifestations in your room when you pray, such as banging and creaking, are typical of demonic infestation.
Its physical symptoms, such as scratches and the taste of burning charcoal in the throat, are too.
And finally it is very revealing that a black thread comes out of his body , which is associated with the curses of witches.
But the fact that witchcraft has come out is a sign that progress is being made in lifting the curse.
From the sacraments and prayers of liberation, Father Rossetti reports that this person is improving little by little, because he is closing the portal that he opened to the demons.
And this case is a good teaching, that good intentions do not alter reality, that when the true God is not invoked in spiritual practices, it is the dark spirits that respond.
There is a sure source of spiritual healing that is Jesus and there is no need to despair.
If Jesus doesn’t immediately give us the healing grace we want, He will give us the grace we need to handle it.
And this always includes the strength to endure with faith whatever comes.
That is why the path of the Christian is to learn to trust in God.
Well, up to this point we have explained how demonic portals can open in our lives, how to differentiate them from simple psychological conditions and how to close them.
And I would like to ask you if you know people with psychological problems, who you suspect may have opened a demonic portal involuntarily or not.