What is the connection between the ministry of exorcism and the Lenten practices of an average Catholic?
In Charles D. Fraune’s book, Slaying Dragons: What Exorcists See and What We Should Know, this connection becomes clear.
The tools and weapons used in the exorcist’s work of removing the devil’s influence from the lives of individuals who suffer from the extraordinary activity of the diabolical are the same tools and weapons that the faithful must take up during Lent.
What are these tools? Prayer, fasting, recourse to the sacraments, and a devout use of the sacramentals.
Further, it is a humble obedience to the Church’s intercession and motherly counsel. An exorcist is an extension of Jesus Christ into the world. He lives in union with Christ and the Church. Only when he humbly obeys all the Church’s counsel will he be effective in his ministry of casting out demons.
Likewise, when we are obedient to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church, we will likewise be effective in casting away the devil and all of his corrosive influence in our lives.
For example, let’s examine the issue of fasting, one of the most powerful spiritual practices, commanded and encouraged by the Church during Lent, recommended and practiced by all the great Saints, and, yes, recommended to the faithful by today’s exorcists.
On page 145 of Slaying Dragons, we read the counsel of St. Francis de Sales, one of the Doctors of the Church, in which he states, quite encouragingly, that even if we are “able to do but little, the enemy nevertheless stands more in awe of those whom he knows can fast.” St. Francis listed additional benefits to fasting, stating, “Besides the ordinary effect of fasting in raising the mind, subduing the flesh, confirming goodness, and obtaining a heavenly reward, it is also a great
matter to be able to control greediness and to keep the sensual appetites and the whole body subject to the law of the Spirit.”
As Our Lord taught, there are some demons who cannot be cast out except through prayer and fasting. Fasting has been a tradition in the Church going back to the example of Jesus Himself, who also stated that the Apostles would embrace fasting once the Bridegroom had been taken from them. Our Lord promises heavenly rewards to those who fast.
For exorcists, embracing penances such as fasting increases the efficacy of their ministry. While an exorcism is an official ritual and prayer of the Church, it is not a sacrament but a sacramental, a prayer that depends both on the intercession of the Church and on the faith of the one who makes use of that sacramental. Thus, the faith and holiness of the exorcist will impact his ministry.
Exorcists, therefore, are taught to take full advantage of frequent Confession, frequent Holy Communion, constant prayer, frequent fasting, and the use of all of the sacramentals the Church provides, such as holy water, blessed salt, blessed candles, blessed oil, blessed medals, and blessed images of Our Lord and Our Lady and the Saints.
These spiritual practices bind the exorcist more closely to Our Lord. In turn, they see greater spiritual fruits and greater power over the enemy in their ministry as exorcists.
As a consequence, when they speak to the faithful about their work and give counsel as to what the laity can learn from their advice, they instruct us to imitate them by taking up, as they do, these spiritual practices and disciplines.
All of these wise counsels of today’s exorcists are found in Charles D. Fraune’s book, Slaying Dragons: What Exorcists See; What We Should Know. If you have not picked up this book yet, one which has been endorsed by numerous Bishops, exorcists, priests, seminary directors, and the lay faithful, do so today and make it part of your Lenten devotion this year.
These teachings have a great value also for those who have fallen into occult practices, or those who have loved ones or parishioners who are stuck in one of the many systems of modern paganism and idolatry wreaking havoc in our society today. Like Slaying Dragons, the other works of Charles D. Fraune are valuable tools for this dimension of spiritual warfare, one which is taking place in the world around us and tearing apart the lives of individuals and of families.
Like Slaying Dragons, these books, which expose the dangers of the occult in a very practical, approachable, and sober manner, are similarly endorsed by numerous bishops and exorcists. These books include: The Rise of the Occult: What Exorcists and Former Occultists Want You To Know and The Occult Among Us: Exorcists and Former Occultists Expose the Nature of This Modern Evil.
Find these books, and more, including a valuable study guide and companion book called Slaying Dragons – Prepare for Battle, from www.SlayingDragonsPress.com. Support this new apostolate with your prayers and by spreading the word about these books which have helped so many souls.