I just wanted to share this story with you about listening to our Angels.
I’ve tried to establish a relationship with my Angel throughout the years. I can definitely say he always comes through for me and every once in a while, will tap me on the shoulder (not literally) to get my attention.
I’m not sure if you heard about the storms, we had in the Dallas area this past Tuesday (March 4th). It was pretty bad.
It was about 4:30am. I suddenly woke up and heard, interiorly, my guardian angel say, “Get up and bless your home with holy water immediately.” But I ignored him and went back to sleep, thinking it was just my head.
But then I heard it again. “Get up now and bless your home. The storm is much worse than what you were told.” (Told by the weatherman)
I got up, grabbed my blessed holy water and began praying for protection. I sprinkled the holy water everywhere, including the exterior of my back and front doors of the house.
The wind was blowing pretty hard at this point. I then felt compelled to pray to our Blessed Mother the Memorae 9 times (an emergency novena I learned from some Franciscan Friars).
I went back to bed and less than 30 minutes later, the city sirens blurred. I ran up to the second floor and felt a pressure. The roof was creaking loudly and our attic door felt like it was being sucked outward (Not sure if that makes sense). I rushed all my daughter’s downstairs, and we began to pray to our Blessed Mother, and that our Guardian Angels protect our home and neighborhood.
After 15 minutes the sirens stopped. It was about 5:45 when things calmed down.
At 7:30am we received a message from a friend that a tornado had hit a few blocks down from our house, damaging homes, a women’s advocacy center, and an apartment complex. Power poles were on the streets. As far as I know, no one was hurt.
In case you’re interested in the news report: https://www.nbcdfw.com/local/irving-residents-continue-storm-cleanup-efforts-after-ef-1-tornado/3784516/
This confirmed for me how important it is for all of us to listen to our Guardian Angels. So now I feel compelled to speak more about the angels and their importance in our lives. Can you imagine how much safer we would be if we just listened to them?
Tuesday morning was proof of the angels love for us.
God bless,
Irving, TX
Feel free to use this if you’d like. Anything to help the angels.