From the mail:
One non-Catholic source for the idea of Russia becoming a bastion of Christianity is Edgar Cayce, as quoted in the attached newsletter for today. [Note: Cayce was a “psychic,” so take that into deep consideration]
At the time these Russian prophecies were made the Ukraine was an integral part of Russia. However, before Moscow became the capital of Russia, Kyiv functioned as the capital. The question for Edgar Cayce is – exactly what part of Russia are these prophecies referring to? Is it perhaps the Ukraine that will actually become “the hope of the world” rather than the Moscow government? There are prophecies that Moscow will experience a nuclear bomb during the next world war and also much of the higher latitudes will become uninhabitable due to nuclear radiation and climate change (falling temperatures due to less sunlight reaching the surface). As you are well aware, prophecies can be quite tricky, since “Russia” in these instances might be limited to the Ukraine and surrounding territory.
Best wishes.
Kenneth Heck
This morning the German news reported that Putin has ordered thousands of radical Muslim soldiers from Grozny to enter the Ukraine , to eliminate the government .
The Russian soldiers are not as willing to fight as Putin hoped. Many are resisting bloody
conflict with what they consider their brothers/neighbors.
The reason I am writing is because I also watched the BBC , and they did not mention
fanatical Muslim soldiers , or any. …..I thought maybe the news in the English speaking
World is being politically correct.
Am praying for the protection of the people of the Ukraine.
Thank you for all your efforts to keep and promote faith on your website.
June Sherwood