Two car stickers in Palm Coast, Florida. Which one would you choose? +
Which Do You Choose?
Who Penned The ‘Fourth Gospel’? [Unedited For Discernment Only]
Authorship Revealed: Who Penned the Fourth Gospel? L. de Lange, independent author in Christ June 25, 2024 Abstract Of the.
The Psychological Effects Of Being Negative
Colorado Bishops Issues Statement On Luisa Piccarreta
Prayer Need: Passing Of Alleged Akita Mystic Said To Be Imminent
Archives: Recover Your Destiny
Recover your destiny. Make sure you are on track to fulfill your mission. How often do we think of this.
The ‘1990 Prophecies’ And Addenda
THE 1990 ANONYMOUS PROPHECIES (and addenda) It quotes Jesus and occurred as a two-fold locution after a most unusual vision.
For Our Discernment
From the so-called “1990 (alleged) prophecies,” March 19, 2017 addendum: “A new and great evil has now come and settled.
The 1990 Prophecies
Conversation opened. 1 read message. Skip to content Using Gmail with screen readers Search Compose Labels Inbox 6,315 Starred.
A Computer Scientist’s Near-Death Experience
From God Reports: He was a computer scientist-engineer working on avionics for the F-22 stealth fighter aircraft when he suffered.
Prayer To Sever Soul Ties
PRAYER TO SEVER SOUL-TIES Jesus Christ we ask you to come before us and forgive us for associating with sinners.
‘Our Lady Of The Rock’
From foreign sources [translated]: Madonna dello Scoglio / Madonna of the Rock, Placanica, Reggio Calabria, Calabria, Italy (mid 1900s) – 11.
Forums: About The Inverted Cross
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated, for discernment; all views expressed are Forum’s]: The revolution that the use of.
A ‘Venerable’ Priest’s Prediction Of Catastrophe
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated, for discernment]: How the great purification of the world that God will do.
Miraculous Pictures II
This image was reported to have mysteriously appeared in a roll of film belonging to a.
Forums: When John Paul II Discerned Deceased Spirits At Auschwitz
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: The Message that the souls manifesting in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp are giving. Today.
Miraculous Photos
Dublin Exorcist Claims He Received Message On Coming Great War
[resources: Michael Brown online retreat, July 13, 11 am-1 pm EST and Pilgrimage to Medjugorje]
Archives: Mass And The Gift Of Tears
We once had an article about the “gift of tears” (whereby the Holy Spirit incites the flow of cleansing tears.
Another Message From Alleged Apparition In Germany
Apparition of the Holy Archangel Michael on 18.06.2024, in Sievernich (Manuela Strack) I see a large golden ball of light.
Prophet: Bizarre Or On The Money?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; for discernment only]: Alois Irlmaier’s visions of what will happen before the start.
Mailbag: A Priest During Consecration
“This picture was taken at a Quincenera Mass on Saturday, June 22, at St. Philip the Apostle in Franklin, Tennessee.+.
Medjugorje Becomes Small City
Oh Those Guardian Angels!
From Opus Sanctorum Angelorum: My Guardian Angel saved my life when I was 13. I was caught in an undertow.
God’s Creation: Let It Be!
Joe Giddens/PA Images via Getty Images This sea of red poppies is an example of how beautiful nature can be.
Vigano’s Statement [Translated]
June 28, 2024 I ACCUSE STATEMENT by HE Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò, Acting Archbishop of Ulpiana, Apostolic Nuncio on the.
Archives: When Boston Executive Witnessed Miracle
When Arthur Boyle, one time president of Cargo Worldwide in Boston, was told there were three nodules in his lung,.
What Demons Look Like
Recently I developed extremely painful egzema all over my face and scalp for absolutely no reason. While praying during those.