Pro-Life All The Way
The pro-life movement needs to expand into other areas that cause death due, like abortion, to immorality (often in the.
Things We Did In The 1970s
From Quora: Ashley Adams What is something that people commonly did in the 1970s that would seem odd today? I.
Mailbag September 2024
As periodically we do, it seems time to scan the mail, which ranges from prophecy to religious to political commentary.
Medjugorje Message Released At Normal Time
September 25, 2024 “Dear children, God has sent me among you, to love you and encourage you to prayer and.
Cardinal Fernandez Says Chapels Dedicated To Medjugorje Now Okay
From Official Vatican Site: The Holy Spirit acts in the spiritual experience of Medjugorje At a conference dedicated to further.
Once More, She Prevails
From the mailbag (Carlos-Caso Rosendi): In the midst of the devastating fires affecting the Punilla region (of Argentina), a surprising.
Video Footage
If You Were Satan
We asked ChatGPT A.I. two questions: + One: If you were Satan, how would you convince people that God doesn’t.
Putting The Great Pio In Perspective
By Bret Thoman (Saint Francis Pilgrimages) St. Pio of Pietrelcina, more warmly known simply as Padre Pio, is already one.
Video (2)
The Lighter Side: Shipwrecked!
Shipwrecked A boat carrying eight people got hit by a bad storm and crashed on a remote island in the.
Vatican Approval Distances Itself From ‘Visionaries’
Excerpts from the Vatican document: –“It should be noted,” adds the Note, “that such experiences occur above all in the.
Exorcist Says All Fully ‘Possessed’ Have False ‘Religious’ Visions
One of the nation’s leading exorcists, Monsignor Stephen Rossetti of the St. Michael Center in Washington, D.C., says that virtually.
How To Handle Troublemakers
We all have people in our lives who can get on our nerves, aggravate us, perhaps by saying things under.
Vatican To Hold Press Conference Thursday On Medjugorje
From the Vatican [translated]: Avviso di Conferenza Stampa, 16.09.2024 Accredited journalists are hereby notified that on Thursday, September 19, 2024,.
Forums: ‘Amazing’ Revelations On Purgatory
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated for discernment]: The amazing revelations made by the souls in Purgatory to Natuzza.
1990 Prophecy Commentary
December 2004 1990 Cloning And Mixing Of Genes May Bring Us Closer To Alleged Prophetic Events By Michael H. Brown.
Quite The Coincidence
+ [resources: Lying Wonders, Strangest Things]
Look At The Light
From Catholic News Agency: On Aug. 31, exactly 100 years after its dedication, the Church of Our Lady of the.
Mailbag: River At Lourdes Went ‘Miraculously’ Back On Course
May the luminous presence of Our Lady of Lourdes fill our hearts! I just wanted to send you a little.
Occult Watch: Say It Ain’t So, Google
From the Google daily news feed 9/10/24: ↑ +
As smoke billowed, many saw various forms and images in it (demons, faces perhaps also of the deceased—and whatever). .
A Baby Smiles In Womb
Forums: Did Virgin Speak To Brother At Medjugorje Of ‘Three Days Darkness’?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; for cautious deliberation]: Preparation and signs of tribulation revealed by Our Lady of.
The Girl Experiencing Those Eucharistic ‘Miracles’
+ [resources: Spirit Daily pilgrimage to Medjugorje] +
The apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Pellevoisin, France, approved last week by the Vatican, are among the lesser-known but.
The Weeping Statue Of Syracuse
From Catholic Tradition: THE WEEPING MADONNA OF SYRACUSE, SICILY 1953 INTRODUCTION The image you see is a print of a.
Eucharistic Phenomena In India Continue To Draw Crowds
+ [resources: books on the Eucharist]