From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese]: The sinister vehicle that demons use to attack us in camouflage..
Best Of Archives: Man Who Heard ‘Voice’ Of The Lord Claims He Was Told Why Demons Rage Against Us
Second story A man from Colombia who was abducted in 1997 and experienced what he describes as a miraculous encounter.
Archives: The Amazing Account Of Hollywood ‘Fast-Laner’ Who Found God, Kidnapped In A Cave
First story There is an incredible story in an incredible book that details the life and conversion of one Marino.
Sister Lucia’s Incredible List Of What She Needed To Confess
Many think Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fátima fame was a saint. In that, we concur. But she wasn’t a born.
How We Open ‘Portals’ To The Demonic
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: The ways we unintentionally open portals to demons and how to close them. The.
‘From This Light’
Video: A Soul From Purgatory?
Are Northern Lights Again A Sign Of War?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Prophetic signs are added that indicate the proximity of world war. On October.
Forums: Is This Modernist Plan To Take Over The Church?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese; for discernment; views expressed are Forum’s]: The Modernists’ Master Plan to.
True Enough
From the mail:
Forums: Spending Purgatory On Earth
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese; views are Forum’s]: Shocking stories of purification on Earth or in.
Are Extraterrestrials Compatible With Christianity
Mailbag: Halloween Watch
Good morning Brother, I thought this might be of interest to you. Especially when you have been recently talking about how.
Did Our Lady Really Appear In Sky?
Discernment beat: +
On Bearing With The Faults Of Others
On Bearing with the Faults of Others (III) + We wish to see others severely reprimanded; yet we are unwilling.
All Souls’ Day Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ We pray today on all Souls day and We remember our loved ones Who have sadly passed.
Occult Watch: The ‘Alaska Triangle’
When is it going to stop? The reports — of flying saucers and bigfoot and associated “Fortean phenomena” — continue.
Deliverance Prayer
POWERFUL EXORCISM PRAYER Kyrie eleison. God, our Lord, King of ages, All-powerful and Almighty, You Who made everything and Who.
‘Winds Of Evil’
From Sister Emmanuel (Medjugorje, monthly message 10/25/23): “Dear children! Winds of evil, hatred, and peacelessness are blowing through the earth to.
Priest On Mysticism
From Signs and Wonders: +
Forums: The ‘Hidden’ Meanings Of Akita
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese; views expressed are Forum’s]: The hidden prophecies that Our Lady gave.
God’s Creation: ‘Say Hi!’
Message Nearly Identical To One In 1991
July 25, 1991 (just before War in Bosnia-Hercegovina): “Dear Children! Today I invite you to pray for peace. At this.
An Urgent Message
From Sr. Emmanuel: An important message! Dear Friends, Blessed Feast day of St John Paul II…! Last Friday, on October.
Quick Clip: What Really Happened In Famous Exorcism
Move mouse over clip and click speaker icon to unmute: @spiritdaily1 The real way The Exorcist ended #exorcist#bornagainchristian #catholictiktok #paranormal.
Did Image Of Our Lady Really Appear In Eucharist? (Discern With Special Caution)
The Alleged Secrets Given To Two Popes By Living Seer
[resources: Michael Brown retreat: the Church, the times, Saturday, October 21, 11 a.m. EST, videotaped for those who choose to view it.
Our Lady And Babe In Cloud At New Jersey Shrine?
Snippets From Alleged Apparition
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