Starting a little over a minute, does face change in any way and lips slightly move? (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Medjugorje: A Quiet Time There
From the Mailbag (Elizabeth Rogers, 10/12/23):
Message From Sievernich Seer Manuela Strack
A while ago we had a “Special Report” on an alleged seer from Sievernich, Germany who, despite indications of diocesan.
From the Drudge Report: Israel orders ‘complete siege’ of Gaza and ‘readies invasion’… Grief and anger as fight against militants.
Forums: Is October Prophecy Really Valid?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese; views expressed are those of Forums]: What the Virgin of Fátima.
Interview with an exorcist
Angels Intervene
From Opus Angelorum [personal accounts]: While on my way to a baby shower, I started praying because my car lease.
The Miracles That Made Therese A Saint
From Websites Dedicated To Her: Thérèse became a saint because of the way she responded wholeheartedly to.
Mailbag: Eucharistic Miracle?
Forums: Did God Reveal Illumination? [For Cautious Discernment]
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Jesus Christ [allegedly] shows how the Warning will be and says that it.
The Great Archangel
The figure of Michael the Archangel looms large in the spiritual tapestry of numerous religious traditions. A symbol of divine.
Forums: Banshees
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Who are these souls and why are they detained there and what do.
Medjugorje Message Warns On ‘Modernism’
September 25, 2023 “Dear children! I am calling you to strong prayer. Modernism wants to enter into your thoughts and steal.
Forums: The Truth About Natural Disasters And Sin
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; views expressed are Forum’s]: The heavenly remedy for natural disasters caused by the.
Weeping Statues — Silenced?
From the Mystic Post:
Padre Pio’s Secret Suffering
Getting Rid Of Demonic Thoughts
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation]: How these thoughts are generated, why they appear and how to proceed so.
The Instant Prayer
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese]: The instant prayer that gives you access to unexpected blessings and.
Forums: How Would ‘Warning’ Take Shape?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; views expressed are Forum’s]: In what form did the Warning reach seers, what.
How Demons Are Taking Over
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: How demons are taking over our culture without us realizing it. In 1.
Did Purgatorial Voice Alert Woman To Brain Tumor?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese]: The voice of the souls in Purgatory warning a woman about.
How The Lord And Angels Read Our Thoughts
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: How the Angels and Saints know exactly what you are thinking. The angels.
Chastisements: Mary’s Prayer Of Protection
[adapted from Fear of Fire]: Frequently, a prophecy was what would happen if matters continued as they were at the.
New World Order: Hints North Of San Francisco
[adapted from Fear of Fire]: The so-called and alleged “1990 prophecy” [text here] brought to mind various international organizations that were interesting.
Archives: In The Rush-Rush, Christ Brings Peace
When you have to make major decisions, the simple rule is to decide on what gives you the greatest peace..
Kolbe’s Prediction About Evil
In Midst Of Fire, Mary’s Sign Of Hope
<blockquote class=”instagram-media” data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink=”” data-instgrm-version=”14″ style=” background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px;.
28 Pompeii. Sodom. Ancient Rome. Fire. But a quandary remained: how did the axis of the earth and warfare.
Archives: Finding Balance In Spirit, Food, And Body
Can it be true? Can we really have more control over our health than we think? Are we solely at.
Spiritual Wisdom
Some things separate us from God + We seek God’s presence and “they who seek shall find.” It is not.