From Forums of the Virgin Mary: How the demons flee if the authority given by Jesus Christ is used to.
The Medjugorje Messages About Satan
From Bernard Gallagher:
Priest Says He Prophesied Collapse Of Georgia Guidestones
+ [Michael Brown retreat this Saturday]
When Our Lord Appeared In The Sky
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [initial translation]: Our merciful Lord manifests Himself consoling His people when necessary, and uses.
Easy To Discern
WHATEVER leads away from God is contrary to the Will of God. Whatever attracts towards God is in accordance with the.
Bishop Discounts Supernaturality Of Garabandal
From Catholic News Agency: The bishop of Santander, Manuel Sánchez Monge, has stated regarding the extraordinary events of Garabandal that.
Mystery Of The Headless Goats
It seems there’s a mystery in Georgia. Call it, as one magazine did, recently, “The Mystery of the Headless Goats.
Survey: Most Priests ‘Flourishing’
From The Catholic Project: We measure priests’ well-being using one of the most comprehensive quantitative measures available, the Harvard Flourishing.
Woman Declined Abortion After Hearing From Lord
From Life News: Like many pregnant mothers on their way to an abortion facility, Tiffany felt afraid, unsure and pressured..
Of Bishops, the Vatican, Seers, And Schism
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation; views expressed not necessarily SD’s]: The change of the moral doctrine of the.
Video: The Sun Pulsating
Health Benefits Of Apples
From Newsmax: According to TODAY, this tasty, juicy fruit is chock full of nutrition. Apples are great stand-alone snacks, but can.
YouTube Chaplet
Early: Five Seers
Medjugorje Message, September 25, 2022
September 25, 2022 “Dear children! Pray that the Holy Spirit may enlighten you that you be joyful seekers of God and.
How Angels Help Us
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [initial translation]: What angels were created for, how God uses them and how to.
Fight Viruses With Elderberries
From Newsmax: Elderberries have been used for centuries for their medicinal qualities. In fact, way back in 400 B.C., Hippocrates,.
Beware Of This Debit Card Scam (Unedited)
From the mail: + “BEWARE, Don’t fall this very sophisticated debit card scam. Here’s how it goes: got a call,.
Did Ecclesial ‘Plot’ Cause Dismissal Of Mystic Rose Apparitions?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: [Views expressed are not necessarily those of Spirit Daily] The ecclesial plot that.
Rare Footage, Padre Pio
+ [Return to] Pray always for purity and love Please report any inappropriate ads or paid content
Synthetic Embryo? (Or Is It ‘Sinthetic’?)
Synthetic ‘Human’ Embryo With Brain and Heart Formed Without Using Eggs or Sperm. This is just the tip of the.
The Billboards Have It
The Lighter Side
From the London Mail [tabloid]: +
Viewpoint: Why Nagasaki?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation]: [Note: opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Spirit Daily] A black episode.
Who Is This?
[Footnopte from the mail: It’s the person taking the picture: “A Brocken Spectre is a large shadow of an observer cast.
Medjugorje Message
August 25, 2020 “Dear children! God permits me to be with you and to lead you on the way of peace,.
Praying The Rosary
What Do They Mean: Tears Of The Virgin
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [initial translation]: How to read the message of the tears of images. The tears.
Be Not Fearful
+ Pray always for purity and love Please report any inappropriate ads or paid content
Mailbag: When Does Soul Enter?
Here, we’ll go the safe, tried, and true route: the soul enters at the moment of conception. That’s our view..