From Forums of the Virgin Mary [initial translation]: How to read the message of the tears of images. The tears.
What Do They Mean: Tears Of The Virgin
Be Not Fearful
+ Pray always for purity and love Please report any inappropriate ads or paid content
Mailbag: When Does Soul Enter?
Here, we’ll go the safe, tried, and true route: the soul enters at the moment of conception. That’s our view..
‘What I Learned After I Reached 70’
From the Mail: This is too good not to share. I asked a friend who has crossed 70 & is.
Did This Really Happen?
Daily Bowl Of Grapes Add Years To Life?
From Gut News: Scientists say having a daily bowl of grapes could potentially add up to 5 years to one’s.
Mystery Of The Bible: Who Was Simeon?
Did you ever wonder who Simeon was? It would seem he was a mystic, known to Jesus’ family. For we.
Forums: The Fight Between Angels And Demons
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: The current fight between the choirs of Angels of Heaven and Angels of.
Is This Mary?
From social media/mailbag/internet: + [Return to] Pray always for purity and love Please report any inappropriate ads or paid content
What The Church Has Said About ‘Ghosts’
[adapted from The Spirits Around Us]: Note that Christ mentioned both demons and ghosts, which one can also call “revenants.”.
Priests And Religious In Purgatory (Translated, For Your Discernment)
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [initial translation]: How these souls have shaped the Catholic practice of helping purgative souls..
Video: What Is A Ghost?
[From Spiritual]: + +
Pope Delivers Message To Thousands Of Youth In Medjugorje
From the Vatican: Thousands of young people are gathered in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, for the annual “Mladifest” International Youth Festival taking.
Oldest Known Prayer To Mary
From Aleteia: Beneath thy compassion, we take refuge, O Mother of God: do not despise our petitions in time of trouble, but.
What’s This Glow?
From Skynews:
Mailbag: ‘Cross’ In The Sky
Was talking to my friend about the current situation of the world last night. After an ice cream as I.
An Apostleship Of Smiling
+ +
Are These Angels?
Also one asks, in this day of cyber-magic-trickery: are they real? At least some are, we believe. You discern. This.
Our Lady Of The Thunderbolt Arrives In A Flash
From Madonnas Of Mexico: August 13, 1807, was a night to remember in the Dominican convent of Jesus Maria in.
Video: A Eucharistic Miracle?
Medjugorje Message
July 25, 2022 “Dear children! I am with you to lead you on the way of conversion, because, little children, with.
Heart Health: Go Bananas
From Newsmax: It may sound bananas, but new research shows eating this potassium-rich food can improve heart health. Avocados and.
Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Procession, London, 1927
Figure This One Out
Mailbag (Facebook): +
Follow-Up On ‘Blackout’ Prophecy
The Church And Aliens
If you want a book on the history and theology as far as the Catholic Church and aliens — ultramundane.
Video: Reclaiming What The Enemy Has Stolen
Who Built The Mysterious ‘Guidestones’?
[Adapted from Lying Wonders, Strangest Things]: [On Wednesday news came that a pillar of the mysterious “Georgia Guidestones” was destroyed.
Lack Of Preaching On Sin Opened Door To Evil
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated, unedited]: In what situations the priests have made sins invisible: One of the.