From the Irish Catholic: A renowned priest exorcist has said the coronavirus is a “dress rehearsal” before “the great tribulation”.
Vatican Clarifies Papal Remarks On Civil Unions
From Associated Press: The Vatican says Pope Francis’ comments on gay civil unions were taken out of context in a.
Upheaval Watch: Confrontations, Tensions Around America
From Fox News: A political rally on Sunday led to confrontations between Trump supporters and protesters at a Robert E. Lee monument.
Let The Saints March In
From Franciscan Media: The earliest certain observance of a feast in honor of all the saints is an early fourth-century commemoration of.
‘Scandal Priest Was Never Medjugorje Spiritual Director’
From Mary TV: To clarify a news report circulating: Tomislav Vlasic, a former friar, was never the spiritual director to.
What’s In That Light In Amy’s Hair?
[Return to]
Mailbag: Chicago Apocalypse?
These two photos were taken by my daughter Laura on Sat 10/24/2020 traveling through Chicago at 6:30 am CT. She said.
Divine Mercy Rays Stream From Photo During Mass
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Mailbag: Be A General!
In warfare, you don’t appoint a private to fight a general – you appoint a general. So the Book of.
Burke Reacts
ON OCT 22, 2020 The worldwide communications media have reported with strong emphasis, as a change of course, the news.
John Paul II Quotes
The future starts today, not tomorrow. + The worst prison would be a closed heart. + Freedom consists not in.
Video: A Response
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Dolan: It’s Not Fair!
Why are Churches Being Singled Out? By Cardinal Timothy Dolan Since the re-opening of our churches last Summer, I’ve made.
Popular Podcaster Attacks Seer-Priest
A Powerful Coversion
Covid-Era Holy Water Fonts
Touchless sensor-activated Holy Water Dispensers: [Return to]
Mailbag: Heavenly ‘Mansion’?
“When I was about 12 I had a dream where I was inside the entrance of what I considered to.
Mailbag: Is Lincoln Following Trump Around?
I saw this on NBC News site today. Is President Lincoln’s ghost following President Trump around? Look at this picture.
Archbishop: Rosary A Shield Of Protection Against Coronavirus
From Vatican News: A “Family Rosary Crusade” will begin on Thursday in Ireland and run during the month of October,.
This Is ‘QAnon’?
From ABC: For nearly three years, QAnon followers have been feverishly deciphering thousands of cryptic clues and predictions posted online.
If You Could Go Back…
If you could go back to 1950, would you do it? There would be no Internet, no cellphones and you.
And This Is Who/What?
From the mail [California fires]: [Return to]
Mailbag: Apocalyptic Skies
“I don’t know if this is considered news, but the sky in San Francisco/Daly City is actually worse than reported..
You Don’t Think These Are Signs?
Any other time, we’d be sure something was askew in the U.S. Record wildfires. A historic pandemic, especially deadly in.
Mailbag: Did Midwest Dodge Nuclear Bullet?
“I wanted to give you a little information concerning the derecho,” wrotes Frank Swiderski in Cedar Rapids of the recent.
Truth And Consequences
From Inveritas: Truth is a large ocean governed by natural unified laws to secure the good. Resistance, opposition or attack.
Mailbag: Author Defends Controversial Seer-Priest
Who is the Real Fr. Michel Rodrigue? Searching for the Truth Dear friends, We at Countdown to the Kingdom are.
Amazon Selling Satanic T-Shirts, Including For Kids
The Coming Storm: What’s In Photos Of Lebanon Explosion?
Explosions, storm clouds, dreams: are they metaphors for the spiritual reality that approaches or already engulfs us? The above photo,.
Archives: When A Famous Actress Encountered An Angel
By Michael H. Brown We’re not much for celebrity, and even wonder if it’s in God’s Plan. For sure.